Things I have heard about California JW's

by mamalove 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamalove

    After reading the two piece bikini discussion and the comment about Calipornea, it reminded me of something I used to hear about the JW attitude in general there. That it was extremely lax compared to mid west or other areas.

    People were supposedly not DF'd when they would most definitely been elsewhere, and more "worldy" type of dress and grooming were tolerated well.

    Is this correct at least in some areas? If so, do you think it has to do with money, or the general culture there?

  • MrFreeze

    I'm gonna say culture.

  • slimboyfat

    I think Greg Stafford is in California, which might explain why the elders never got round to disfellowshipping him.

  • mrsjones5

    Depends on which part of California you're talking about: northern, southern, central valley, the coast, LA, the Mother Lode, the Sierras, San Francisco, Berkeley.

    California is not all "do-what-you-want" and free love, there are many very conservative places in the Golden State. California is not one big LA.

  • Dagney


  • Snoozy

    I have a friend who's Mother (JW) is in Palm Springs Calif. From what I hear she is a very strict witness (Now). More so than she ever was. I wonder if it is a congregation thing or just individual things..

    From what I hear she is terrified of the demons!

    Her daughter was telling me that they went to help her one time when she was moving and they would comment on how something looked bad (or demonized) and she would panic and throw it out..she said they had a lot of fun..

    Neither daughter is a JW now and figured it was payback for all the miserable years they had growing up a JW child..

    The mom did leave the religion for many years and went back about 9 years ago..and is way overboard with the religion now..


  • EmptyInside

    I heard a lot of stories mainly about Southern California. It was always about sisters wearng leather skirts out in service and brothers wearing earrings. Plus,a lot of stories of wife swapping. And I have yet to find this hall!!

  • yourmomma
  • frigginconfused

    Its all about where the recruit from. Cali is more open to new ideas. They recruit former hippies, stoners, pagans, liberals, buddists, hindus, krishnas.

    Out here on the east you have former catholics from up north. Very devout.

    And down south you have the uber christian, bible belt nazis!

    Those attitudes about spirituality are gonna filter over to any religion they go to.

  • Pitchess Co-Gen
    Pitchess Co-Gen

    I'm from California and it not all hippies and sex or sunshine and rainbows . Some congregations are mellow ( my wife's former congregation and some are strict my two former congregations )


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