by Hairyhegoat 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hairyhegoat

    READING about the mass amounts of money involved in all this acquisition of blocks of properties... in NEW YORK CITY no less,
    is so contrary to how the organization expects it's loyal "servants" to live their lives, .... it is shocking!! These buildings are, for the most part (maybe all) renovated with FREE labour and then sold for great fortunes. Seems like they now have more than they know what to do with......greedy?

    All the while, as their own people are wanting. While the society seems to be preparing for a future in this system of things, they compel their people to not marry, not be having babies, not purchase homes, or insurance, or education, or jobs, other than window washing and house cleaning! It's all going down, they say. ... Shortly.

    Here are words from a JW on this post....
    ......"I know from personal experience of all of my Jehovah Witness friends that everything they do they do for Bible education and humanitarian reasons and spend nothing on themselves"....... And spend NOTHING on themselves! Indeed!

    Also, what is up with this 'Charitable Planning' grab, seems like every year the WBT is looking for every cent they can "guilt out" of it's members.

    If the WBT feel that Armageddon is just around the corner,... a time when gold & money will be THROWN IN THE STREETS, ... tell me why in Gods name would they want our Real Estate ....after we DIE!!
    We're asked to WILL our stocks, bonds, insurance and pension plans, jewellery, any valuables. and cheques to the WBT Society. ... see watchtower november 15 2009.

    When you consider the BILLIONS of dollars in assets, investments and money the WBT has accrued from over 7.5 million sincere people, working for 'free', It's all a crock


  • factfinder

    The gb does not really believe we are that close to the end.

    But how much money do you think the wts still has? With all of the cutbacks in magazine printing, downsizing and consolodating, ending mail subscriptions and making more and more books as softcover instead of hard cover it seems like they are having money problems.

    Yes- they want our money!

  • sabastious
    When you consider the BILLIONS of dollars in assets, investments and money the WBT has accrued from over 7.5 million sincere people, working for 'free', It's all a crock

    They all donate willingly. All JWs that donate are donating because they think they are making a difference by funding God's Sole Channel of Communication with humans on Earth. Who else could they possibly donate to who's cause is higher?

    That's the whole MO of the Watchtower. Obatin absolute loyalty and unity and then take their money because they trust you.


  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Doesn't everybody want your money? What makes them any different?

  • thetrueone

    They are not having money problems because they are selling off branches throughout the world and pocketing the cash.

    They are spending the cash for new construction of what they call education centers.

    Which are nothing but big expensive assembly halls.

    My personal belief is that they are in for a name change to distance themselves from the WTS. completely with all

    the invalid doctrines that was devised with that organization.

  • thetrueone

    You have to take in account that the WTS has over a billion dollars in holding property assets,

    those properties have more than quadrupled and more in value over the years.

    They are selling off branch offices quite often now just to add to that bulging wealth.

    Put that into consideration and you can see this organization has the gas to continue allot longer than

    most can speculate. The WTS bank accounts are now filled with hundreds of millions of US dollars,

    waiting for the GB to use at their discretion.

    The game was a simple one, create subservient slaves who buy and sell their products by using coercive tactics of fear and provocation.

    Only to find more subservient slaves who will do the same by using the same tactics as the original slave seekers.

    Take whatever money they give telling them that the money will be used in the same wholesome and honest service that

    the indoctrination process has created. The more hapless used idiots cultivated, balances how wealthy and powerful the leading

    people at the top of the pyramid will become.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    That "name change" theory is intrigueing. I never thought of it but wouldn't be surprised to see a new borganization created and a new name for either the PR or the Kool-Aid edition of the Watchtower. It is awkward to have two mags with the same name. I can see them fractioning themselves even more than they already have, sheltering the big money in one of the corporations while the others are the fronts that take all the public heat and scrutiny.

  • WTWizard

    I believe in donating where they create value and in not donating where they do not. All too often, they expect people to donate just because it pleases Jehovah--who obviously does not create anything of value.

    And, when they create a group of people that have very little to sustain themselves, they are not creating any value. On top of that, they cannot donate. If I only had $12,000 a year in total income, that would leave me with nothing to donate. Even if my expenses were zero, the most I could possibly donate is $12,000 per year on a sustainable basis (going into debt is not sustainable). If I would "sin" by getting a very high paying job that makes $100 billiion a year, I theoretically could donate that much. If they were to encourage and assist people making much money, they would probably find people more willing to donate--and not be in a financial pickle.

    And that's on top of financial Armageddon, which the Fed is doing all it can to bring on. When the toilet paper dollar (which is backed by nothing) becomes worthless, people are going to have even less to donate. Stocks and bonds will also be worthless, as will dollar-based insurance policies. If those are willed to the Washtowel Slaveholdery, they won't even be worth the paper they are printed on, and will cost more to process than they generate in real wealth. And people are not going to donate real wealth (gold, silver, oil, and farm commodities that actually hold wealth when the currency crashes). I remember when I was in, I was told that gold and silver were going to zero, with people throwing them out on the street along with inherently worthless paper. Anyone listening to that would never have bought gold or silver, and hence will not have any such to donate when their currency takes a bath or becomes worthless.

    All because they sowed poverty. Do not work full time. Waste what little money you have now on field circus and Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund donations. Do not waste the money on investments--whether in stocks and bonds, or in hard assets. Yet, they expect to reap the rewards of investments they themselves refused to make. I predict a time when that $3,000 cutoff that triggers a bleed of congregation funds to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund will not even buy a fiber of a sheet of toilet paper--and no one is going to have any hard assets to donate. That is when they are really going to need assets to keep going.

  • TheLoveDoctor

    first when I was on the regional building committee, we were told that not only building for the future but restoring older kingdom halls was the way to go. Why because jehovah's buildings will be used to teach and that since we dont know the day and hour even though its any minut now, we will continue. It makes sence that Jah would preserve his belonging. Therefore anything that is said cant trump these statements because most rank and file believe and or obey GB.

  • brotherunsure

    The January Awake! brags about how they are different from other religions because they pass no collection plate and ask for no tithe...

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