READING about the mass amounts of money involved in all this acquisition of blocks of properties... in NEW YORK CITY no less,
is so contrary to how the organization expects it's loyal "servants" to live their lives, .... it is shocking!! These buildings are, for the most part (maybe all) renovated with FREE labour and then sold for great fortunes. Seems like they now have more than they know what to do with......greedy?
All the while, as their own people are wanting. While the society seems to be preparing for a future in this system of things, they compel their people to not marry, not be having babies, not purchase homes, or insurance, or education, or jobs, other than window washing and house cleaning! It's all going down, they say. ... Shortly.
Here are words from a JW on this post....
......"I know from personal experience of all of my Jehovah Witness friends that everything they do they do for Bible education and humanitarian reasons and spend nothing on themselves"....... And spend NOTHING on themselves! Indeed!
Also, what is up with this 'Charitable Planning' grab, seems like every year the WBT is looking for every cent they can "guilt out" of it's members.
If the WBT feel that Armageddon is just around the corner,... a time when gold & money will be THROWN IN THE STREETS, ... tell me why in Gods name would they want our Real Estate ....after we DIE!!
We're asked to WILL our stocks, bonds, insurance and pension plans, jewellery, any valuables. and cheques to the WBT Society. ... see watchtower november 15 2009.
When you consider the BILLIONS of dollars in assets, investments and money the WBT has accrued from over 7.5 million sincere people, working for 'free', It's all a crock