I was a gung-ho advocate for JWs. I got on the message boards and would argue down any detractor, apostate, church pastor, disgruntled ex-JW, you name it... I was out in the ministry constantly, practically running from door to door, preaching. I started studies left and right. I literally wore my Bible out (and one of my pet peeves is mistreating books). I never sought the "pioneer" title, even though I was far exceeding the requirements. I signed up to serve where the need was greater. I was in it 100%...
Then, suddenly, it began. I find myself in arguments with other JWs over things that are unambiguously stated in Scripture. I actually end up in the back room defending the Bible against elders wielding Watchtower articles. I end up "marked", sanctioned, and excluded from any and all service - just shy of DFed. I'm never actually confronted with any accusation of wrongdoing and never dragged before a judicial committee, but a judicial sanction is placed on me for which there is no policy - overt or in the "Flock" book - which allows it. I'm under "special shepherding", as though I'm a pedophile, among other things that might betray my identity so I won't get into them.
I speak to the C/O about it, thinking "I'll go over these morons' heads." I get the runaround with him, so I write the Branch. Little did I know at the time, the Branch was the source of the main attack which all but pushed me out completely. With no request for input from me, totally without my knowledge, and without even an explanation, I'm a pariah. I have no clue what the Society has down as the reason for my situation and nobody's given me any insight as to what my crime was or how to rectify the situation. No judicial committee means no appeal; just an administrative order from an anonymous source in Patterson.
Basically, it's like a manager who just doesn't like an employee, but the worker hasn't done anything to fire him for. So, the manager cuts his hours to like 4 a week, in hopes the employee just quits and leaves. But I'm not going anywhere. They'll have to throw me out in fulfillment of "YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name" (Isa 66:5) and "Men will expel YOU from the synagogue." (John 16:1) No, I feel I belong in Jehovah's house, even though I know I'm seen as an outsider (and been called such in those exact words). The current Pharisees will have some serious explaining to do. Jesus didn't like their kind the last time he was here and I doubt if he'll have much use for people who use the Scriptures about the Pharisees to be even more arrogant.
I'm just wondering if anyone else here was betrayed out of the blue? Anyone else suppressed or silenced for being too enthusiastic about the Bible? Attacked from all sides by sneering "brothers" and "sisters" with their constant looking for something to be offended about? Put on trial constantly over nothing by jealous old losers who don't know anything about science, history, logic, or the Bible? Ever heard of anyone being all but DFed for no stated reason, with no recourse, indefinitely?