I have heard it said that over the past few months, the magazines have been filled with pro-GB garbage promoting complete obedience to the Body. Can anybody point me to any examples?
Increased promotion of 'worship' to the Faithful Slave in the Watchtower
by callitquits76 15 Replies latest jw friends
In the new song book, the words of many songs have also been changed to promote worship of the organisation. There was a topic on that a few months ago.
There always has been a strong element throughout the Societies publications demanding devotion to the Org. I don't know whether specifically this has increased recently - maybe it has , to a degree. The Watchtower that was studied last week spoke about how submission to "Christ's brothers" ( essentially the GB as the Society have made it clear that other anointed ones have no special insight and no input ) is essential for our salvation.
My opinion is that The Governing Body are looking to tighten their grip on the rank and file Witnesses. Expect this to increase in the lead up to 2014, while at the same time they try and distance themselves doctrinally from 1914.
Watchtower articles from the last 6 months are filled with examples of the Witnesses being encouraged to, essentially, worship The Governing Body and the Organisation.
Here are a few:
- Submit to the Governing Body
- The Governing Body This, The Governing Body That (quotes from 2011 Year Book)
- Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have Human Leaders?
- Obeying The Governing Body Means Your Life. Eternally
- Jehovah's Witnesses: Who is Your Leader? (4 part series examining recent exhortations from The Governing Body regarding obeying them without question, all from recent WT articles)
St George of England
WT Dec 15, 2010 Page 20 par 19:-
"In fact our attitude toward Christ's spiritual brothers is a major factor that will determine how we will be judged during the great tribulation."
In other words you will not survive Armageddon if you do not follow the GB!
Lots more similar comments in the WT over the last year or so.
Can anybody point me to any examples?
Quite literally, open any "Study edition" of the Watchtower, since, well, since the "Study edition" began 2 or 3 years ago.
You will see at least one, possibly 4 or 5, references to "Matt. 24:45-47", along with the basic message of "we speak for God - obey us unquestioningly or Jehovah will smite thee".
I quit!
All you have to do is look at how they changed the scriptural baptismal formula to include themselves to see this. They baptise in the name of Jehovah, Jesus and the spirit directed organization. They never liked the idea of the Holy Spirit being a person and no wonder. They consider themselves to be the third entity in their quasi trinity.
Luo bou to
smite thee ?
Oh noble knight
I very much appreciate everybody's input here - passwordprotected in particular. Thanks a million