Several years ago, before my wife and I left, my 5 yr old daughter got up during the watchtower to cross the aisle to sit with someone else. She tripped on the roving microphone wire and smashed her head on the foot of a metal chair. The bleeding was profuse and an ambulance was called. She still bares the scar. About 9 months ago I decided to sue the local congregation. Many of the elders present the day of the accident witnessed the event, yet they tried ti lie to cover themselves by saying that my daughter must have been running through the hall when she tripped. They said this even though they knew that she had severe cardiac problems at the time and was incapable of running. Anyway, the long and short is, that they settled and I managed to recoup a very small amount of the finances that I had previously given to them.
I was also wondering if anyone on the forum had had any similar experiences, having sued the local cong/society and won.