My main concern is not my 401k ...honestly, I believe the 401k is going to FALL in the future (Read Robert Kyosaki's 'prophecy' ..founder rich dad Poor dad). So i'm trying t make alternative methods to make money, here, in the now. One way to do to invest in a company, I will research repeatedly. I'm trying (like many others) to become financially independant in the long run. I also do not trust the 401k. If I can use it to my benefit now and put it into stocks an dmake money now or in the long run, i'd much rather do that. My main thing is, I need money NOW. I need to invest NOW, not only for the long run...because I want a long term shares, but also a short term. And I'm reading up books by Lynch and trying to undersatnd it all. I think it's ridiculous to put money in the bank and save it, when you can put it in an investment and make more. Yes, i'm aware of the fact that you can loose it all spending 100 bucks a money on buying the long term investment, will only benefit me in the long run, if I do my research correctly and choose the correct stock. Yes I want a diversified portfolio, but seeing how i'm just getting started, I want to make cash to invest and reinvest, and reinvest all gains and profits (excluding taxes of course [like take out 15% out of all capital gain and reinvest the rest]). The fact is, I don't know about mutual funds...i know barely anything about it. I have what Lynch calls 'Common sense' when it comes to certain things that i can just look around and say 'this is a great product, it'll take off.' or 'this is going to really suck.' Just listening to people helps understand what the consumers want and what will work. Of course it's not tha tsimple, but it's a start. and of cours elooking at balance sheets and P/E is good, but that doesn't always help, however, it is a good start. I basically need to speak to someone and have a serious conversastion about what I can do right now. No, i'm not going to come running and screaming about how i lost everything, if i do. I undersatnd the risk here. The part I DON'T understand is the taxes and stuff. If i take all the crap i buy (soda, ice cream, energy drinks etc..) and just take all the money i would put into those 'luxuries' and instead put that money into a particular stock and STILL loose it all, I will have gained only knowledge and experience, as opposed to a stimulation of oral gradification through certain unnecessary items. I just don't want to sit there and not only LOOSE th emoney invested, but have to PAY MORE than I invested. That bothers me.
I'm open to more advice. If anyone is open to having a one on one discussion, I would greatly appreciate the guideance.