Who knows how a spark plug gets its spark?
by frigginconfused 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The governing body of jw's recieves holy spirit directly from jah. they use only a small amount of said spirit for the dispensing of spiritual food and use the rest to send energy to give spark to all the spark plugs in the world. even then it is not all used up allowing for energy to create "new" light.
"The sun has a solar flare. Sends it to earth with its iron magnetic core. ..."
Really? How?
In an engine, this is accomplished by copper - or aluminum - wires that DIRECTLY connect the spark plug with the energy source - the battery or alternator.
[Whoops... Edited... Via the distributor cap, THEN to the spark plugs... But still connected via an umbilical cord of wires "directly" to the energy source...]
No such direct connectivity exists between the sun and the earth's core...
Actually Zid the OP is correct, technically there is no physcial conection from beginning to end, all transformers work with induced currents, not coppper to copper connections.
Large CMEs do send enough plasma to break through our ionosphere.The National Academy of Sciences report states: “A severe space weather event in the US could induce ground currents that would knock out 300 key transformers within about 90 seconds, cutting off the power for more than 130 million people.”
Having said that, I really doubt there is anywhere clse to enough impact to cause plate disturbances.
maninthemiddle is right about transfer of current (and power) in transformers via connectionless magnetic induction. This is possible however due to close proximity of the fields and a large amount of alternating current being applied. It's all relative really but my point is that the size of the the earth and it's field in relation to it's distance from the sun negates any possibility of energy transfer, in any substantial way at leasst. Besides, a big spark is called lightning and it's an instantaneous short between two oppositely charged "bodies", which really isn't the case with the earth and the sun (thank god). You thought lightning from that puff of air over there was bad, wait til the sun throws down a bolt,.. The real contact and threat is from the sun's particles, where the man is correct in relaying a known scientific concern. Could be the EMP of the millenium, folks. Git yer T-shirt here!
When the first coil shuts its power down it induces a current in the small wired coil.
Yes. It's the collapse rather than the propagation of the magnetic field that produces the spark. In old fashioned systems with points, this happened when the cam in the distributer opened them, breaking the circuit and cutting off power to the primary.
You can easily test this phenomenon with a penlight battery and an audio transformer. Hold the two secondary wires in you hands and have someone touch touch the primary leads to the penlight battery. When the power is applied -- nothing. But when the battery is unhooked -- Wham! The collapse of the magnetic field is much more energetic than it's propagation. You get split-second jolt of over 100 volts just from a penlight battery.
It's also why transformers only work with AC power as Twitch points out above. The collapse of the magnetic field over and over at whatever the line frequency is induces the same sine wave. In the secondary, it's induced AC current. In the primary its inductive reactance (Functional equivalent to resistance because the collapse of the magnetic field back through the primary induces current exactly opposite in polarity to that which was applied.)
This is one area where I think the analogy with the solar flare breaks down. Solar flares are not analogous to AC current. An event of cosmic porportions can produce EMP, but like the jolt you get from a penlight battery and transformer, it is also a very momentary event.