... or is Shawshank Redemption the perfect equivalent to a person leaving the JW's? I love this movie...
Is it just me...
by MrFreeze 11 Replies latest jw friends
Lunatic Faith
Truly great movie! "Get busy living, or get busy dying."
Oh, yeah, it's okay for someone ELSE to quote a movie (peace to you, both, sorry for the intrusion, and pay me no attention - you've just given me the perfect forum to vent is all)!
Okay, so, where are all of the "it's so ridiculous to use a quote from a movie to articulate something in real life"-ers? Come out, come out, wherever you are!
SA, on her own and mumbling (rachafracharachafracharachafracha)...
i like cookies
Lunatic Faith
Movies are awesome. I have spent my life quoting them and applying various aspects of them to real life. If they had no bearing on real life, would we watch certain ones over and over again? I spent the 80's quoting John Hughes films, the 90's quoting Tommy Boy and Mel Brooks, and the last decade? I have reached a point where I quote what I read now. But I still love it when I hear a truly profound line in some great movie.
Broken Promises
Awww Shelby, I hear ya!!! ((((Shelby))))
I can NEVER remember movie quotes. Ever! I just don't have the brain to remember them. "Make my day" or "I'll be back" is the best I can come up with.
Mad Sweeney
I must have missed the thread, Shelby. Did someone bash you for quoting film?
Film, literature, and even song lyrics can hold just as much insight and wisdom as our own original words. They can make a point even better because they are already shared with many of the ones we're talking with.
When we say things our own way we may make a good point.
When we say things and relate them to a movie quote or scene, people say to themselves, "yeah, I remember that!" and the point carries better.
To answer the OP's question, yes Shawshank and several other movies like Matrix and even Wizard of Oz is like learning the truth about the "truth".
Unrelated to that subject though, my two favorite movie quotes are from:
Stockard Channing's character, Sister Thelma Husband who said, "We're alcoholics and generally satisfied to hurt ourselves," when questioned about whether people in her AA group would kidnap a baby in Where the Heart Is
Sissy Spacek's character, Babe who said, "I'm just having a really bad day," when asked by one of her sisters why her head was in the oven in Crimes of the Heart LOL!
It's so ridiculous to use a quote from a movie to articulate something in real life.
Peace to you AGuest
Everything that Mad said, especially this:
When we say things and relate them to a movie quote or scene, people say to themselves, "yeah, I remember that!" and the point carries better.
It was what I tried to articulate on Shelby's thread, but did not say nearly as succinctly as this :)
(and yes, someone thought she shouldn't apply the matrix 'let it all go... free your mind', to the limitations we set upon ourselves regarding faith)
(and yes, I also know Trevor is teasing here)