Us females will be "perfect", huh? To be perfect, I suppose, cellulite would not fit into the picture.
Well, in order to declare something perfect, there needs to be a STANDARD of perfection. That is, ONE standard. So,then, one would surmise in the new order, everyone will look the same. Same body type, same hair color, same eye color, same height, same weight, etc.
Just like in dog shows, each breed has it's own standard of perfection. Each characteristic of a particular breed is noted, and when being shown, they are measured against that standard. The dog closest to the standard, wins.
So, when I read about perfection being applied to humans, particularly women, I feel compelled to comment. I seems that there certainly cannot be ONE standard.
So, when the WTS speaks of everyone being perfect after Jehovah's Mass Murder, I only have one thing to say to them:
No offense Violet. Just needed to get that off my imperfect chest .
You can take a whore to water, but you can't make her think-Dorothy Parker