Did you study beforehand? none? little? alot? Did you only "study" while you are reading the paragraphs during the WT study and still make great comments?
Did you make very good comments at the Kingdom Hall?
by Iamallcool 29 Replies latest jw experiences
I did. It was expected by my parents, being the "good example" family. Not studying or commenting was a sign of a problem, had to do it to avoid the Inquisition.
We didnt study often before and I made awesome comments I was known throughout the circuit ,sick people on the phone lines would ask where I was if they didnt hear my comments. I was ballin oughtta control.yea I wish I was kidding but i was a total keener and I liked the attention
Yes I did. I was too cool for that school!
I always studied the dublications when I was an MS then an Elder.
When I realized it was a cult I started commenting on the 'Bible reading' using semons I'd heard on 'Sermon audio'.
The last comment I ever made had the CoBE shaking his head in a sneering way. I commented about 144K and slipped in that historians say there were a million Christians in the 1st century. I was deliberately trying to sow seeds of doubt especially after the hilarious 'overlapping' nonsense!
chicken little
I always anwsered from my head, not the watchtower, people said they enjoyed the honesty of my comments. I once said that I could not imagine Jehovah destroying mentally handicapped people at the big A; so I said we would be looking after them all after A came. Got a few stares after that comment.
Mr. Falcon
When I commented I always tried to sound original (if that is even possible) by answering in my own words. Also I tried not to comment just for the sake of commenting, but only when it was something I really felt like commenting on. But I admit that sub-consciencously, I was probably trying to sound intelligent and thoughtful. Now I don't even bother.
People would always tell me they missed my answers. It made me wonder if they missed me or someone filling in the silence.
I thought SO! - I prestudied, highlighted and underlined; put my hand up and waited.
On the few occasions I was asked; the elders weren't very impressed so I stopped answering.
A few years ago the BOE wrote to the branch and said:
"Brother fokyc reads ALL the societies literature; BUT only, it seems, to find fault".
Comments are all part of the 'peer' thing.
'OooooOOOOooOOOoh. Brother Suckup just said what I was going to say!'
'OoooOOoooOoh. It must be the TrooOOOoOoOOOOOth! We all agree'!!
Yeh, you forget it isn't YOUR comment, you had it planted in your head from the publication you just underlined.
How they can even gat close to calling it worship....?
Not to mention..........................The Hum drum medlies are : Trance drones with subliminal messages.
The 'melodies' are so trite you sing them without taking much notice of the words. However, the words are cleverly costructed to sink in at a subliminal level as you are not paying attention really.
'Ever loyal to................' check the bait and switch from Jehovah to 'men'!anyway back to the thread..........commenting is all part of the cult mind control tactics.