Do you think a lot of JWs are ashamed of their beliefs?

by I quit! 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • wobble

    I think 90% or more are ashamed, 99.9% could not make a good defense of their beliefs, I also have to inform you that 99.9978346723 % of all statistics are made up on the spur of the moment !

    I too am ashamed to admit that I was a JW, with new acquaintances I think I would at first, if it was relevant, say I was brought up in a cult, not name it unless pressed. Who wants to have to explain the wacky doctrines once they have left ?

    I haven't ,so far, had to mention it, religion doesn't feature much in most peoples lives here in the U.K, and even less in their thoughts, so it just does not come up in conversation.

  • nugget

    It is embarrassment knowing deep down that the people you were talking to wouldn't get it and would think you were a wierdo. I hated having to do the yearly explanation to new teachers, in the end we made it a practical discussion of the approach that would cause the least disruption and greatest intergration rather than a why we did certain things and not others. You knew people would think less of you for not taking part in celebrations and because you kept yourself slightly aloof.

    I hated it when people made a big show of their beliefs cringing inside. I never refused an invitation to a funeral or wedding as I felt if I expected people to respect my beliefs then I should also respect theirs.

  • Girlie

    In the beginning, I felt proud to be a JW. However, the more closely I examined the doctrines, the odd behaviors of deeply committed members and just how far removed from reality this religion truly is, the more embarassing it became to me and couldn't continue being one.

    Even now, if I had to admit to acquaintances of my having been affiliated with JW, I notice a sheepish grin I get from them as if they were embarassed for me.

  • reds

    I don't admit to having been a JW. I have a different job since I faded & I don't want anyone to ask me any questions. I answered enough & explained enough all my life. It's great to be able to say Happy New Year, Happy birthday etc. without having to explain why you don't celebrate them.

  • mamalove

    Most definitely. I recally when my ex and I were in marriage counseling some of the JW issues were on the forefront and afterwards he would tell me that it was painful for him to hear me explain the JW teachings to the counselor. It was almost like an unspoken word that I understood. He wanted me to soften it up somehow. But I told it like it was and it made him squirm inside.

    I recall being totally turned off by many of the teachings and hated to have to stand up for it or explain it.

  • cantleave

    It was easy working in a companyowned and staffed by JW's to be proud of your beliefs. But up to that point I'd keep very quiet about it, I used to hate the topic coming up in all the other places I worked.

    In school my mum made sure everyone knew we were witnesses, I really felt ashamed then.

  • LovelyEunie

    I was never ashamed or embarrassed. I just got tired of explaining beliefs that were never mine to begin with. But think the ones who were mostly ashamed of it were born in young people. I've never really seen a JW adult not be extremist about it. Or maybe that's because that's all my mom's ever around, other extremists...

  • BluesBrother

    It all depends on the individual. I have one family member who is really up front about it . She has a "No Blood" key fob and loves to flash it around where it can be seen. She will open up to anybody at any time about the wicked last days and God's purposes. I think ,though that she is the exception rather than the rule.

    Most of them are more discreet and only speak if the opening appears suitable and the person interested. Many others never own up at all.

    As for me? I did not mind admitting that I belonged to it and if people asked I would defend it....but they never did ask. Actually I found some of the book titles embarrassing "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth"..that always sounded so crazy as a first thing, that I did not like offering it.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    That is a BIG 10-4! JW's are more & more losing respect, becomming more & more ashamed of their affiliation with the organization.

    In a word, the WTBTS is losing big points with the rank & file. The pride of the JW's (young & old) is waning due to flip flopping of organizational matters and doctrinal alterations and modifications.

  • Vidiot

    jam - "Ashamed and Arrogant. Is that possible to be both???"


    One continually feeds the other in an ugly, vicious cycle of overcompensation.

    The really bad cases I knew always - always - crashed and burned, too.

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