I'd like to play devil's advocate with this although I too think the image looks comical. I was thinking a JW could say the men are not actually giving the people at the door the scroll. They are reading it to them. I don't know what happened with the writing & transportation of Paul's letters, but could one suggest that the men with the bags are some of the first Christians entrusted with carrying some of the letters to their destinations? Maybe the people at the door are Christians too & are thinking about having a house church. Does anyone have some specific historical info to show that this picture is inaccurate? I have heard about Paul's letters being "circulated." How did that process take place?
Going Door to Door with Scrolls
by VM44 61 Replies latest watchtower bible
" I was thinking a JW could say the men are not actually giving the people at the door the scroll. They are reading it to them."
JW's claim everything they print is based on what is in the Bible, show Ole Wuz where it's at in the Bible
that they went d2d readin' scrolls. If they can't it's from the opinion of man, not words from the Bible
Remember the Sept 15 WT page 13 paragraph 8 that states: " what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah."
their words not mine. The Bible simply states, they spread the gospel by word of mouth just by tellin, I dont' see nuthin'
'bout readin' no scrolls d2d, They need to stop addin' stuff, they did enough of that with Blood
" I have heard about Paul's letters being "circulated." How did that process take place? "
I am interested in that also, we have some very smart posters on this board i'm sure they
could tell us
How many times in past literature has the WT not stated that it was the early christians that introduced codex's, that is book- like forms, not scrolls were used.
Referring to the picture: the guy sitting in the background looks like he is snickering, is that not a forerunner of our "Outlaw"?
The green guy hunched over in a show of humility, looks like he doesn't want to be there, is he putting his scroll back in his bag?
The artist and no doubt the gb behind them, don't want to distract the readers too much and show more of the chick in the doorway. (but maybe the picture is cropped on screen. )
belbab - the picture is cropped on this thread. the dvd moves across the picture, and there is a guy in the door with the woman.
Nice little historical inaccuracies they have here. Don't they realize that most people were illiterate at that time? Retarded...
Yup - they probably think that somebody PRINTED the scrolls for 25 drachmas a copy...
Scrolls back then werent paper. They were leather or papyrus. Mostly leather. But they were still too friggin expensive to be going door to door with them.
Exactly. BTW, did anybody else notice that these guys with the scrolls have a pretty nasty look of superiority on their faces? Check the observer in the back in the blue toga - obviously wondering what the hell is going on.
Nebeska Nada
w 2011/6/15
Probably most Christians could not carry many scrolls with them for preaching. Even if Paul possessed some scrolls of the Scriptures for his personal use, he likely could not take on his travels all the scrolls he owned. Evidently he left some with his friend Carpus in Troas.
Those pics are priceless!!
"You see, 7 X 360 = 2520
2520-607+1 = 1914 CE
Now in 1919 CE....
Are you still following me, ma'am?"
I am just seeing this thread now and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this picture below. I thought for sure someone on here was yanking our chain so I went over and sneakily checked out my father's copy and sure enough it's there in living colour. As everyone else has already mentioned, it is absurd to think that the early disciples went door-to-door with freaking scrolls on their person. The bible does state that the earliest disciples went and preached about Jesus, but the historical and archaeological evidence points to the fact that the writings of the New Testament weren't even written until anywhere from 25 - 50 years after Jesus died. Sooooo, if these guys below were preaching about Jesus, then they sure as hell would not have had any 'scrolls' with them to back up their claims because nothing had been written about him yet.
Not only that, but you couldn't just go to the local WalMart and buy packages of paper----papyrus had to be imported from Egypt at that time and was very expensive. The earliest Christians were not rich by any stretch of the imagination and had to meet in each others' homes (Acts 20:20) as they could not afford to build their own places of worship at that time. Not only that, but chances are that most of the earliest disciples were not literate:
"writing was in the hands of an élite of trained specialists, and reading required an advanced education available only to a few."----W.H. Kelber, The Oral and Written Gospel (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983), p. 17.
That is why everything was passed on orally for so many decades, because the earliest Christians had neither the means or ability to write things down. And even if by some miracle some of the disciples were able to read and write and were wealthy enough to import papyrus and then had the time to write things down, the average citizen back then would not have been able to read anything on the scrolls because they were illiterate.
The Writing Department deserves an "Assholery of the Year" award for attempting to show that the early disciples went knocking on doors trying to place scrolls with the average peasant (for a contribution to the worldwide witnessing work no doubt). Just unbelievably stupid.........