Anewperson: Posting exerpts from C of C for tracts is a wonderful idea. I'm not very good at writing original material and that would be great if Ray Franz is permitting copying his material (?). When the tracts are finished, we can post "Ex-JW Tract No. ____ Now Ready". Let's get this EX-JW PRESS ROLLING! As you said, if this trend gets picked up by people on this Board who are willing to donate translation time to what we post, we can get tracts distributed in all countries. Maybe even be more successful at it than the Borg!
If I have time this weekend, I will try to create a two-sided tract (2 tracts per page) that can be run front to back double sided and cut in half to make 2 tracts. If someone knows a better program than WORD 2000 or WordPerfect 9 to do this, please let me know. I'm not great at graphics but I type 100 wpm. It won't be fancy but it's better than watching C of C disappear off Library shelves because of JW thieves.
Celtic and Celia: In between errands this weekend, I'll try to stop at the Library and check out their policies regarding overdue books. I'm still convinced that if a Library has their act together in this regard, that it would be beneficial to donate ex-JW books. Spread the donation out over a period of time. Heck, I'll even buy a few books myself to donate but will also check out Larc's recommendation regarding requesting the Library to purchase. Sounds good.
I'm also still interested in checking out what criteria bookstores use to select titles that they stock.
"Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.