This is a problem that is compounded by the fact that most witlesses are cutting back on secular work in order to pio-sneer. They are urged to use the last days to preach, and so they pass up good jobs. This is as much a problem at the entry level, as college is shunned in favor of pio-sneering. And, without a good entry, it is pretty difficult to build up any savings.
Then they make it worse by giving the worst possible investment advice. "You are not going to retire" is not good investment advice. Usually, they are advised to put all their money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. They are talking about how the stock market is going to crash, and gold (and silver, by extension) are going to zero. This prevents anyone from knowing whether to buy stocks and bonds, or to buy gold and silver, or some combination of the above. So, most of the money is wasted in field circus, on Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund donations, and/or suit dry cleaning and replacement costs. And, since they are usually not making much to begin with, there isn't enough money to buy either stocks and bonds or gold and silver.
This would be bad enough if the dollar was expected to remain stable. However, with Osama Obama, Ben "Inflation" Bernanke, the Rothschilds, and the big banks they use to manipulate things, this is assured to not happen. It's only a matter of time before everyone loses all faith on a dollar that is essentially toilet paper (poor quality toilet paper, at that). At which point, hyperinflation is assured--anyone that does not have sound advice on investing money going into it is going to be wiped out. Bad enough for a worldly person that may have a few gold coins or stocks in mining companies in their portfolio. But, for the witlesses that are accustomed to wasting 100% of their money on field circus, when hyperinflation comes, they are going to be under pressure to keep up their field circus. And unable to.