Memo to the Body of Elders:
Brothers, in spite of living in an isolated bubble of our own reality, it has nonetheless come to our attention that publisher hours have dropped markedly due to the ever increasing price of fuel.
Jehovah is not one to place a burden on us that we cannot handle (Fill in with appropriate scripture _______). In his loving kindness, he has directed his Slave to lighten the load of exorbitant fuel prices.
From now on, all Elders and Ministerial Servants are to own a passenger van with a capacity of no less than 12 people and equipped with sliding side doors for quick exit. Field service routine will be changed slightly. An Elder or Ministerial Servant shall take the lead in field service and fill his vehicle with Publishers. Publishers will then contribute to the van owner a specified amout of money to cover the cost of fuel and maintenance.
Upon arriving at their designated area, Publishers will then be dropped off in strategic locations and work their way towards a rendezvous point; where the van will be ready to pick them up. This will ensure that they will swarm an entire territory, thus fulfilling the scripture:
13 "Oh woman residing on abundant waters, abundant in treasures, your end has come, the measure of your profit making. 14 Jehovah of armies has sworn by his own soul, 'I will fill you with men, like the locusts, and they will certainly sing over you a shout.'"-Jeremiah 51:13,14
Yes brothers, are we not glad that Jehovah, by means of his Slave, takes into consideration our financial hardships as we joyfully approach the imminent end of this system of things?
Yours truly, your humble brothers in association with Christ's Slave.