Russell's reasoning for his business? Last article in 12/15/2010 WT Study

by InterestedOne 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • InterestedOne

    On page 23, par 14 of the 12/15/2010 WT Study, it says of Russell:

    So he had decided to devote himself to his business interests, reasoning that if he made some money, he would at least be able to address the physical needs of people even if he could not help them spiritually.

    Did he really "reason" that if he made some money, he could address people's physical needs? Was he planning some sort of charity? Is there a historical reference to verify what his "reasoning" was?


    Unfortunatly the WT never needs and very rarely uses historical references.

  • boyzone

    I've never heard this reasoning before? Can't remember Russell ever starting any charities.

  • wobble

    WT lies to excuse his getting some dollars together before "serving Jehovah ", something they condemn if the R&F do it today, "you may be side-tracked by material pursuits"

  • thetrueone

    Russell was more of an opportunistic charlatan and a plausible attention seeker than a emphatic driven charity provider.

    This structured business model is still intact with the WTS. today.

    No community charities were ever established by this religious organization, just a bunch of commercialized lies to help in the circulation of its own

    published literature.

  • InterestedOne

    So if there is no historical source to say Russell was driven in his business pursuits by charity, I wonder where the author of the article got the idea. Is it pure imagination by the author, almost like making Russell into a mythic character?

  • baltar447

    I heard that he owned a brothel, anyone collaborate that?

  • Snoozy

    Ilooked at the wrong page but did see this:

    Do we see the religious
    leaders, especially the clergy of Christendom,
    teaching people to know God by
    his name and to sanctify, or honor, that
    name? On the contrary, they have misrepresented
    God by such false teachings
    as the Trinity, immortality of the human
    soul, and hellfire, making God appear mysterious,
    unfathomable, cruel, even sadistic

    Go a big laugh out of it...The say Religious leaders have misrepresented God by such false teachings such as the Trinity, immortality of the human soul and hellfire, making God cruel and sadistic! And their Paradise book doesn't?


  • Snoozy
    "One evening in 1869, C. T. Russell was
    returning home from work when he heard singing coming from a basement
    hall. At that time in
    his life, he had despaired of
    ever finding the truth about
    God. So he had decided to
    devote himself to his business
    interests, reasoning that
    if he made some money, he
    would at least be able to address
    the physical needs of
    people even if he could not
    help them spiritually. Brother
    Russell entered the dusty,
    dingy hall and found that religious
    services were being
    held there. He sat down and
    listened. He later wrote that what he heard
    that night “was sufficient, under God, to reestablish
    [his] wavering faith in the divine
    inspiration of the Bible.” Notice that it was
    the singing that initially attracted Brother
    Russell to the meeting."

    This was concerning Russell before he was a witness..he had given up finding the "Truth about God"..he decided to try and help people financially since he couldn't find the truth about God to help them spiritually...


  • Ding

    Did Russell use the name "Jehovah" in his publications?

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