Boys & Girls

by snowbird 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    In one of his masterful pieces on the Through a Darkened Pane thread, Compound Complex made the following observation:

    Boys typically break the rules, do as they please to offend authority and cast aside all well-intended parental dominion.

    After witnessing the childhood and adolescence of my two g'sons, I agree with him wholeheartedly.

    Do you?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Syl, for posing the question.

    Sometimes I write off the top of my head (a potentially bad spot from which to launch) and, later, reexamine what was then my thinking (or, not thinking), puzzled over what I had earlier declared as "truth."

    Personally, I was not one ever to defy authority. Was it because I was a child of the 50s, where both "Father Knows Best" and Ward Cleaver held sway as the ultimate in paternal authority figures?

    There's so little I really know ...


  • miseryloveselders

    Is it the testosterone in boys that makes them more prone to do whatever they want?

  • snowbird

    Tee hee hee at CoCo!

    I've spoken with others who have made the same observation about boys.

    They are soooooooo different from girls.

    Syl (who, too, was a model child)

  • snowbird

    Don't know, Misery.

    I just know that they are hard to understand.

    I come from a nearly all-female family.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Boys don't have a monthly cycle to bother them. They don't have to worry about carrying around sanitary items or having to change them every few hours. So they have freedoms from things they have probably never even thought about.

    Just a thought.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Girls have testosterone, too. And boys have estrogen.

  • snowbird

    Thanks, BP and Flyin.'


  • TD

    In some ways I miss not having had any sons and in some ways I don't.

    Little girls don't write their initials in urine from across the bathroom onto clean towels --and wouldn't even if they could.

  • snowbird
    Little girls don't write their initials in urine from across the bathroom onto clean towels --and wouldn't even if they could.

    No, they wouldn't.

    Tee hee hee.


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