Networking with Jehovahs Witnesses or people who are bible studieing

by flowerpower123 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • flowerpower123

    I got a feeling this is not the place with true Jh witnesses, why such weird comments

    I know people who arent a believer anymore (ex) always want to make fun of , or comment negative posts. It tells something about you not about the organization. I am not baptist , but i would never concentrate or put my frustration to it. there are so may churches and faiths and those againsters, i suppose you never will fin and organisation where a human not has questions and know that not alll people who say they are

    So are there true christians here or just people who are bored? i like true christians wether they are jw or not. Do i believe the same? that doenst matter , it about loving the same thing ''God''

    thnx factfinder for your welkom!, so Harygoat, you have your anwer her...

    Sleeping beauty...Welll i hope so

  • miseryloveselders

    LOL Undercover. I missed this thread yesterday. Classic.

  • wasblind

    " So are there true christians here or just people who are bored? i like true christians wether they are jw or not"

    Hello there Flowerpower and welcome

    What constitutes a true christian, and what makes you qualified

    to determine who's a true christian or not, I'm not askin' out of

    sarcasm, I just would like to know. For me true christainity is not

    from words but how you live and treat your fellow man the way

    you think Jesus would have wanted you too.

  • flowerpower123

    if you are a christian, you know what the bible says about it, also about behaviour. I think it will cost you some time so repost me back next week or two. who says i am the one who decides who is a true christian? there is only one who can see trew the heart. So please dont react on my post if you didnt read the topic and the thing i am looking for. I am not interested in i know better discussions. dont react if this positive vibe here dont match /responding what you are looking 4 thnx

  • VampireDCLXV

    Willkommen flowerpower123 !

    I'm sorry that you were so hasty and gullible as to sign up to a website without lurking for a bit and having a look at the conversations going on before taking the plunge. You are not going to find people here who are going to tickle your ears into loyal fellowship with Jehovah's Witnesses, you're going to find people here who will tell you THE TRUTH about them. I hope you stay around and learn what you really need to know before it is too late. JWs are nice and freindly now, but wait until you have been baptized for a few years. The Damocles' Sword of disfellowshipping will be hanging over your head whenever you have even the slightest doubts about the teachings, and then you will KNOW. For your own sake, please don't let things get that far...


  • wasblind

    " if you are a christian, you know what the bible says about it, also about behaviour. I think it will cost you some time so repost me back next week or two."

    Say what!!!!!

    I know you don't want to piss me off , I spotted your judgemental attitude right from the start

    most folks who have to advertise about bein' somethin' usually can't sell shit !!!!

    you ole pharisee

  • Finally-Free
    So are there true christians here or just people who are bored?

    Can't true christians be bored too?


  • flowerpower123

    vampire this is the header''

    Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum

    The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's Witnesses and the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society... or just make new friends!

    so why is it my fault that this header is misleading? cause you say i am not going to find what im looking for? you are probably right, but mail the owners to change their mission statement about this site, and let them leave the word anything out

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the forum Flower Power.

    i like true christians wether they are jw or not

    Did you know that, according to the Watchtower, there are no true Christians who are not Jehovah's Witnesses, and even then, they are only really the annointed ones, and even then, only the Governing Body members in Brooklyn, New York, get messages from Jehovah to give you?


    Chris (Never baptised)

  • Finally-Free
    mail the owners to change their mission statement about this site

    Email them yourself if you don't like the wording.


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