How I Know The Assembly Parts Are Made Up

by lovelylil 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    We had a CO looking for a certain experience for an assembly part coming up and the elders in my hall at the time sent him to see me, since I usually had good experiences out in field service.

    Anyway, after speaking with the CO, I was sorry to inform him that I did not have an experience that suited the type he needed. He told me that was o.k. because he could use me anyway for another part. He said the brother in charge of the part would call me in a few days.

    Skip forward..........when the brother called he said he was told I could help with his part as I had an experience that tied in with it. And then told me about the specific part he had. Turns out he was looking for the experience I had already told the CO I never had.

    Then, the brother asks me flat out if I can fudge it a little by changing the details to suit the part better. I was like No, I can't do that. I can't lie to all those people and have them congratulate me on an experience I never had. He was like, I don't see what it can hurt, these experiences help upbuild the friends. I said yeah because they think they are real experiences, thats why. Anyway, he wasn't apologetic at all for asking me to lie. He just said ok then, I have to go and hung up.

    Next thing I know we are at the assembly and during that part, a sister from my congregation gets up and tells of her wonderful experience which of course was the one the CO was looking for me to give. Thing is she is one of my close friends and we always work together in service and I know she is outright lying and that it never happened.

    Well, thats when I knew for sure those experinces were either completely made up, or changed dramatically to seem better then what they really were, with details added to fit the assembly parts better. And I could never trust these parts again. They were and still are pure propaganda. Peace, Lilly

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Wow. Are you still in? It would be sweet if you could call them out on it.

    I had "privy" of being on a CA interview (with reenactment) years ago and they polished it up like a diamond. In fact, at the rehearsal I told the elder that they - the JWs who played the roles of me and my dad - needed to quit dressing it up like we were the Brady Bunch, as that was not how we acted as a family.

    When all was said and done it was still a highly sugar-coated version of what really happened.


    Anyone who has had a part,giving an experience at a WBT$ Assembly..Knows the Experiences Given,are not Truthful..

    They are changed to Suit what the WBT$ Wants..Nothing in Watchtower World is Truthful..

    The WBT$ encourages Lying..

    "It`s not Lying..If you Lie for Jehovah!"..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • pontoon

    A brother wanted me to tell my "no blood but Jeh saved me anyway" story at a DC. I wouldn't do it. I said how will ones who lost loved ones feel if I say Jeh saved me (but not them). Don't they realize or care how discouraging those experiences can be? I told him there are no modern day personal miracles, it was a skillful surgeon that saved me. That brother was never as friendly with me after that. Anyway, a sister did that interveiw with him, and I swear it was my story with a few details changed, I guess to fool me.

  • Hairyhegoat

    LIARSWow I never knew this went on! Talk about a deception of the facts. These people make me sick! HHG

  • thetrueone

    You can call the Kingdom Halls training centers for Watchtower propaganda.

    Are you zealous brothers and sisters ?

    I wonder why the WTS doesn't use the fine up building experiences of people refuses blood transfusions and

    in doing so dying because of that decision.

  • lovelylil


    No I am out of the WT for about 7 1/2 years now. Helped my entire family out, hubby (was was a MS), 2 kids, brother, his wife who were unbaptized publishers, sister in law and brother in law. None of our family is left in the organization.

    Back before then, I really thought being a Witness meant being honest and trustworthy. I really thought I found the true religion. Now I know it doesn't exist. Only truth for me is Jesus Christ. It was experiences like this one and seeing the unloving, unchristian attitudes of people in the hall that helped slowly open my eyes to this religion.

    After 12 years in, it was surprisingly easy to call it quits. I felt the tower changing me for the worst. I was becoming too judgemental of others and loosing, not gaining but loosing the spirituality I had before my baptism. It took a while but my eyes became fully opened. And once they are, you cannot shut them again.

    I heard thru the grapevine that the elders were telling people I left because of Apostates. I can honestly say I had NO contact with any such people and didn't even join this forum until I was out for about 2 years. My leaving had to do with the WT society itself. And when I did start doing research, I found plenty in their own publications to condemn them. I now truly believe this religion is nothing but a hate group and a very dangerous, descructive one at that. Their motives are and always will be to make more $$$$$ Peace, Lilly

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    I wonder why the WTS doesn't use the fine up building experiences of people refuses blood transfusions and in doing so dying because of that decision.

    TrueOne, unfortunately they've done that before but I doubt they'll make that mistake again.

  • wasblind

    Yea Sweets,

    especially scince some could have been saved by blood fractions

    that were not allowed back then, but are allowed today. It wasn't

    the Governing Bodies fault, It was that darn Holy Spirit that messed up big time

  • blondie

    My husband was singled out for giving his "experience" and was asked to massage it so it fit the CO's criteria. Mostly they did not want him to mention that the rv/study had quit after 3 visits and 1 visit to the KH. That was one more step towards the exit door for us.

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