I was thinking to myself today,people suck humans suck.I know that when I was younger I used to see myself helpng people.But now I could care less.The reason is because in reality things will never get better.I am not saying God is going to help us.I do not believe in God.I feel that no mattr what charity you give to an organization in the end it is all futile and pointless.This life we live is hard and can seem pointless.Does anybody else feel that way.
Have you given up on humanity?
by d 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No, I'm still human. *grin*
I have felt that way... The thing is, I was clinically depressed... It will pass, and you will start to see that there is good in the world.
Thanks megs.For me I still feel that people are just mean and self centered at the core of their being.I try to think that people are good, but it just does always work.I feel at times people are doomed to their self centered uncaring vices.Me personally I just want to live far away in the woods somewhere far away from people.
People just are. The good, the bad and the ugly. Some people will jump off a clff and take you with them, some don't care; and some people will try to catch you when you fall. You just have to work out who is who. It is hard when you are young, before you have established yourself- with success comes gratitude, and maybe a different feeling towards other people. Never give up- on yourself or humanity.
"I have felt that way... The thing is, I was clinically depressed... It will pass, and you will start to see that there is good in the world."
I read somewhere that slightly depressed people are more realistic in their perceptions than ebullient people.
Anyways, I have given up on Humanity as it exists. I'm a firm believer that basic behavior is genetically predisposed. So long as the behavior that I refer to as Dominance/Submission is part of the warp and woof of our brains, society as we know it will never change. Actually, it's bound to get worse.
I believe that eugenics/genetic engineering is the only way to create a race of human beings that are egalitarian by nature or, in parody of you know who, a Masterless/Slaveless race.
I'm a little discouraged w humans, right now. The crap people are falling for now, the lack of creativity among the intelligent is astounding. Wherever they are, whatever they are doing, they aren't their true selves. What they are is simply programed into them from the surrounding elements. This is true to an extent when they are older, but especially as they are growing up. The other governing force to their behavior is body chemistry and genetics. In other words the animal nature.
The true self in us is merely a consciousness that goes along w whatever. It's practically like a blackboard that excepts whatever is written on it. While it's tough to transcend all the programs, it can be experienced for short periods of time through some forms of meditation. In this mode, a person tends to lose his 'self' and is easily able to see things from others' perspectives. Seems to me that the world might be better if more people could do that.
I think that humanity is in a transition from nomadic/tribal/hunter gatherer, basically wild state, to becoming civilized/able to live larger community, a world community. Taming human animals enough so as to have a smoothly working world community may take another 1000 yrs, or maybe 2. If there were a god somewhat like the biblegod, he would be weeding out the undesirables, the ne'er-do-wells, the alphas that fuck everybody else. But, since we are, basically, on our own, it will take a while.
I carefully choose those who are to be around me - cut loose those that screw me over. I have few friends obviously. Those few friends are the ones that I concern myself with. Those are the ones that I will go out of my way for. Actually I like to curl up with a good book, play with my animals, help those who are deserving and take care of necessary business. Perhaps I'm a loner? It works for me.
We live in a time where one person can be as world changing as any event in history.
I'm a little discouraged w humans, right now.
If you are discouraged with humans then use that energy to empower you to do something amazing.