Hey everyone,
I have been getting in on going debates with brothers in the congregation about the role of the governing body. I feel that Jehovah would not want us to blindly follow a particular G.B. mandate if our bible-trained conscience says otherwise.
I presented the brothers with the following hypothetical:
Say the year is 1995. At that moment in time, as we know, the G.B. posited that the "generation" of 1914 would not entirely pass away before the end came. Now say your bible-trained conscience couldn't swallow that explaination. Say that, based on your personal relationship with Jehovah and study of the scriptures, you submit that the G.B.'s "generation" teaching is flat-out wrong and does not originate with God. Are we still required to follow that teaching even if we know that it is wrong.
The response is always:
Yes. Even if the G.B. is in error, we most always follow the G.B. because they are appointed and directed by Jesus. If they err, it will be corrected with time. (then they usually parallel the situation to scriptures in the Bible about how when Moses was appointed by God to lead the people to the promised land, he erred, but if those following had abandoned him because of Moses error and followed their own individual lead, they wouldn't have made it to the promised land)
Seeking your help:
Since many of you on here are well-versed and much more knowledgable about the Bible than I am, what are some good (and credible, not emtional outbursts of 'the WT is trash!') counter arguments to the above scenerio. I always like I John 4:1 which urges us to "test the expired expression".
Basically, what are some good scriptural references or WT references which encourage followers of God NOT to blindly follow.
Thanks, everyone!