Random Digressions

by NewChapter 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    It's hard for me to always stick to topic in a thread. Maybe I have trouble with linear thinking, but sometimes someone makes a comment that sets me on a completely unrelated path. I've noticed that some members vigilantly watch for this and warn when a comment is off-topic or when the thread has strayed far from the originally stated topic. I find that funny. So here is a thread where you can't go off topic. Just post random, funny, interesting, boring, disturbing, incomprehensible to everyone but you, ideas here, and all will be well. I'll start with my last comment that went off topic in another thread.

    Pansies are the most ferocious of the flowers.

    Take a look. You can see by their expressions they are ready to rip someone's throat out! Angry Pansies.

  • OnTheWayOut

    When we decide to learn about the beginning of mankind, the start of life and/or the universe, we are admitting to ignorance and should build upon ignorance without jumping to conclusions. Don't start with a premise and look for supporting evidence. Start from "I don't know" and assume nothing. Then let the evidence lead your path.

    Is that the kind of posts you are looking for?

    ....or do you want funny pics?

  • NewChapter

    LOL. No rules. I love the pic!

    Growling snarling pansies.

  • jay88

    I'm a big fan of Curb your Enthusiasm.

    Larry has a main theme with each episode, with two or three side stories, and by the end of the episode or season it all comes together well.


  • NewChapter

    I think my dog is confused about his sexuality. I don't know how to help him.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good morning, NewChapter:

    Without random, stray thoughts I would never write. Once I rein in the thought and corral it, however, I do try to devote my undivided attention to it ...


    Love your pansies. I was not aware of their harboring hidden hostilities. !


  • MrFreeze

    I always thought pansies were just sad flowers. But I guess you can see them in an angry light as well.

  • mamalove

    Just thinking about my weekend. It has been fun so far. Last night I got something for dinner with the BF, then went to the casino, didn't lose. This morning I went to a zumba class with a friend. It kicked my butt. Speaking of butts, I have not been liking the way mine has looked lately, so I have been more determined to lose a couple of pounds and I have. So I have a little more kick in my step from that! Going to Target in a little bit to get something for my friend, it was her bday last week and we are celebrating it tonight by a bug group of us going to a comedy club and dinner thing, then we have a VIP room for martini's and probably dancing and stuff. So mama is going to maybe head out to the mall and see if I can find a new shirt or something. Had some chicken breast for lunch and loads of Franks Red hot on it. Yum. Tomorrow will be a nice relaxing day. Nothing planned. AND the most beautiful snowflakes are coming down right now. They are the fluffiest things I have ever seen. Not like we need any more snow though.

  • clarity

    Did anyone ever wonder why Adam got off with a much lighter punishment than Eve?

    Look at it this way, the ground would be cursed and Adam would have to work hard for food. Well doesn't that affect everybody, man or woman?

    On the other hand, if Eve was a perfect creation, her punishment was an altering of her actual body. What did god do, to make childbirth extremely painful now. He had to change something within her body. So not only did a cursed ground affect her life, each and every time Eve fulfilled the command to be fruitful & fill the earth ... she suffered. (& died)

    Was it also at this time that her biology was changed so much that she now had that painful & humiliating monthly curse? How did this happen .... was she put into a deep sleep and had her nuts and bolts tinkered with? Ouch!

    just my random thought today


  • MrFreeze

    Yes clarity, but men's biggest punishment is that we have to deal with women.


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