Facial Hair – a Perfect Fading Strategy

by zarco 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    The success would probably depend on the attitude of the congregation & its BOE.

    In some congregations, people would just "retract" and virtually ignore you, reading that you are "spiritually weak" and thus a "danger".

    In other congregations, you'd be subject to near-weekly shepherding calls and earnest efforts to "help" you see the "error of your ways". Would it be worth the hassle?

  • Cadellin

    I gave this a try but my husband wasn't crazy about it...

  • maninthemiddle
    I gave this a try but my husband wasn't crazy about it...

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    Trust me, they do hound about the facial hair.

    The final requirement for my second reinstatement was to shave my sideburns. This was 1984

    Sideburns trimmed at mid-ear: acceptable and eligible to rejoin the flock. Welcome back, Brother Sheep

    Sideburns trimmed at bottom of ear: of Satan and non-compliant. Die and let your corpse be eaten by beasts and birds after the Great Day of Jehovah God the Almighty

    I've worn a full beard since 1992

  • zarco

    Very interesting comments -

    Vidiot - glad the strategy worked for you and it is really a weird JW rule that does not stand up to even a conversation.

    Blondie - that is really sad about the brother with the skin condition.

    Zoiks - it is the secret handshake - I dont look good with facial hair - not that I look good without it either otherwise i would give it a go.

    Cadellin - sorry that your husband does not like your facial hair -

    Franklin - you are probably right. Other countries certainly are more lax when it comes to facial hair


  • Ding

    Years ago, a couple of presiding overseers of 2 different congregations let their hair grow over the tops of their ears.

    Both got hassled by their COs.

    One of them ended up with a lot of letters back and forth to Bethel for clarification.

    Both of them ended up getting DFd, but not because of the hair.

    The hair hassles were one of the things that convinced them that the WTS was a legalistic cult.

    Today both of them are free to cut or not cut their hair as they choose.

    I don't know if the average JW would receive the hassle they did over hair length, but I'm sure it would be seen as a sign of rebellion.

    It seems to me if you're trying to fade, you'd want to be as inconspicuous as possible -- make no waves, just fade away.

  • FirstLastName

    Well since I could not grow a beard - my rebellion started with no pantyhose !

    "OMG ! Look at FirstLastName! She has no pantyhose - she must be fornicating!"

  • MrFreeze

    FLN, you are quite the harlot. You are almost on par with Christendom!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    If the brother is in the same congregation he's been in for many years, growing a beard will invite plenty of unsolicited reactions from the elders and others.

    If he moves to a different congregation where he's hardly known, there won't be quite as much flack, but there will still be some.

    If the idea is to maintain a low profile and minimize confrontations, then the beard isn't such a great idea, IMO.

    If the idea is to possibly shake things up a bit and get a bit of "counsel" over it, then the beard will definitely do that.

    An alternative to the beard could be showing up to give a talk wearing this necktie:

  • frigginconfused

    I thought they said beards are ok these days?

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