Hi Tim . . . I can't add a lot except to say . . . what the Bible has to say can be viewed quite seperately from the "full set" of JW teachings . . . it is there for YOU personally . . . not simply a piece of equipment for the exclusive purposes of WT Society.
I left about 7 years ago for quite different reasons but it was very daunting at the beginning, and a difficult journey (it would appear this is unavoidable). What I can say, is that the journey was so worth it! . . . I have no strong religious affiliation but connect with many good and trustworthy friends . . . XJW and otherwise . . . and feel a freedom to approach Christ in my own way with a sense of closeness I never experienced in my 25 years as a JW . . . there is life after WT . . . and it is as good as you want to make it.