Does anyone out there understand how i feel?

by TimothyT 35 Replies latest social relationships

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Hi Tim . . . I can't add a lot except to say . . . what the Bible has to say can be viewed quite seperately from the "full set" of JW teachings . . . it is there for YOU personally . . . not simply a piece of equipment for the exclusive purposes of WT Society.

    I left about 7 years ago for quite different reasons but it was very daunting at the beginning, and a difficult journey (it would appear this is unavoidable). What I can say, is that the journey was so worth it! . . . I have no strong religious affiliation but connect with many good and trustworthy friends . . . XJW and otherwise . . . and feel a freedom to approach Christ in my own way with a sense of closeness I never experienced in my 25 years as a JW . . . there is life after WT . . . and it is as good as you want to make it.

  • Mad Sweeney
  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Hi Tim, Welcome!

    At 23 your old enough to know whats best for you. Please do rely upon your own independant thoughts and understandings.

    I agree with some of the above posters, whats important is love.

  • warmasasunned

    i'm not gay myself.....but you deserve to live a guilt free can't go on beating yourself up.

    find yourself, give yourself a chance ....goodluck

  • glenster

    "Although im still attending the meetings, praying to Jehovah and trying my
    hardest, i can no longer lie to myself about my sexuality."

    It reminds me of years ago when I had some JWs at the house for meetings,
    liked them, but was also a regular at the library and amassing a big collection
    of evidences of how the JWs leaders falsify things when teaching the best
    evidence and reasoning supports their distinctive teachings and to shun someone
    who persistently rejects it.

    Dunno a way to smooth it out. Respectfully submit your findings--remember the
    deception originates with the leaders as shown by your findings and the followers
    are victims, too--and try to stay frends with the ones most important to you.
    I don't know the other personalities involved--I wish you luck if you love them.

  • I<3MYGod

    Hi Tim!

    Please know that you can serve God and that you can be happy. The religion that you are in is about serving men and making them happy. I was a baptized JW for 25 yrs (I am now going on 34). I have recenlty found an amazing church and have developed a awesome love for God. I have seen my life change and grow and it is finally joyous and peaceful. You can be happy, you deserve to be happy. Make hast, go and find it!!

  • I<3MYGod

    ** I was a JW for 25 years and baptized for 10 of them.

  • JamesThomas

    Dearest Tim,

    Take a moment to sit and allow your mind to be still of all religious beliefs. Just feel the aliveness of nature within and around you.

    Feel for yourself how this is the actual, silent (yet buzzing) alivness of what the word G-O-D points to. It is infinitly more valid than anything written in a book or preached from a stage.

    See how the actual consciousness that views all does not judge you or anything. It is all inclusive. IT is the loving foundation on which all exists.

    "Gayness", is not less or more than anything else. Nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to fear.

    Go with the natural flow and stop trying to swim against the current.


  • TimothyT

    Thanks again everyone!

    I have become so much stronger in these past 3 weeks!
    I have accepted myself and do you know what... I LOVE WHO I AM!!! Im proud of it!
    Im no longer lying to myself, i feel free, and... my depression has gone! Wow! I cant believe i dont have those horrible feelings anymore! :)
    Now its time to find someone i can love for the rest of my life!

    Thank you... I love you all so much!!!
    Tim :):):)

  • nugget

    Timothy I am glad you have positive feelings and that you feel good about who you are. Good self esteem is a very attractive quality. There will be lows as well as highs with the decision you have made, extracting yourself from the organisation can be a painful process. But work to your goals and be true to yourself. If you need us we will be here for you.

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