One opinion that seems possible is that he's manic-depressive with a habit of
street drugs, including cocaine. If so, he's not taking his psychotropic meds.
I knew someone like that, and the rants sound familiar. They say some crazy
delusions of grandeur-type things they shouldn't be judged by as if they were
sober and taking their proper meds. It's hard to reason with them and rein them
in--they'll rant or just go off to themselves. Meanwhile, nobody's Superman--a
person like that can screw things up major with their friends, family, and work
associates and end up doing a nose dive into a sidewalk made of kryptonite.
A person like that isn't thinking where the money for hookers and drugs go,
either. They're just thinking they're changing how they feel. It doesn't go
to some nice marijuana people who just buy fertilizer and seeds. I've experi-
enced having some people close to me harmed by organized crime, seen some of
those people's abusive ways close up, and I've grown to further realize you
don't give those bastards a nickel. They're just about money no matter what,
including extortion, hurting, and even killing people, and they don't care--
they're just thinking about the money they're coming into.
Being a regular financer of that is being and accessory to something you should
never help finance. It's usually just mentioned about a celebrity with some
humor, or that the person has a problem, or there's applause for them for
getting over their problem. But it's hard to be patient about a young popular
guy, who doesn't need to do it, doing it to get his silly damn dumb d**k hard--he
shouldn't have a d**k, he doesn't know how. He's all the more someone that can
do that some other way--you never give those guys money. Being fired while a
popular young millionaire isn't they worst punishment for it I can imagine.