Secret Elder Business

by ozziepost 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    On Amazing's fine post yesterday entitled "My Last Kingdom Ministry School" he demonstrates the WTS' paranoia over keeping its internal workings scret from the R&F.

    I make the comment that the WTS is acting not as Christian stewards when it does this, but as corporate masters.

    But I decided to 'taste and see' what is done by those whom the WTS decries so much, the churches of Christendom.

    I went to the Anglican Church website and what did I find?

    Guess what, I could see all their letters to their church wardens (compare this to letters to BOE!) and minutes of synod meetings, etc etc.

    How about that? Looks like they don't have to keep things to themselves, eh?

    But it begs the question, What is so secret about the elders manual and letters to BOE? And indeed, Should they be secret?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • singsongboi

    most of the stuff when i was round, was simply boring..

    okie, business is business - you've got to be pragmatic and organised, but cheeee! as boring as most of that stuff????

  • cellomould

    Chances are it's because the elders are more discouraged than the average JW... they need to be titillated once in a while.

    People love to have 'exclusive' information. It makes the elders forget about their beefs with the COs and higher ups.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • Amazing

    Hey Ozzie: Good post, and I agree with the comments added. There is anothe reason for having KM Schools:

    Typically at KH Meetings, Circuit Assemblies, and District Conventions the Elders are too busy with support activities ... in the old days running the soup kitchen and coffee machines, but still today, attendance, Security, literature centrers, sound and stage, etc. The Society knows that they are listening half the time at meetings anyway. Even if an ELder is not standing at the back of the Hall ... he is reviewing notes or some other thing at his seat .... so, my point ...

    The Society loves to gather all the Elders in the Circuit, sit them down in one place, remove all distractions, and give them a fully concentrated dose of swill. It is the Society's only chance to pack a punch to the Elders (except for the brief Elders meeting with the CO during visits and with the DO at Assemblies.) In just two days, they can fill each Elder with their elixir of snake oil and lizard spit.

  • AlanF

    Good points, Ozzie and Amazing!

    Another reason for keeping private correspondence and KM School stuff secret is that occasionally the Society issues instructions that would be embarrassing if they were made public, or could even cause legal problems for the Society. For example, at a 1989 meeting elders were instructed in so many words to destroy material from congregation files if secular officials demanded to see it. In other words, if a court subpoenaed material, elders were told to ignore the court's order. Think about how this would go over if a court were informed that these are standing instructions from the Watchtower Society. At the meeting where these instructions were issued, nothing was written down, and the speaker did not quite come out and say, "Destroy material!" He was more subtle than that, but he repeated the not-quite-saying words until there were no more questions from the audience. Elders who were there can verify what I've said.


  • anewperson

    In some places secrecy goes much farther especially where they fear going to jail or major public outcries over pedophilia and the like, imagined or real apostate activity, that someone member is practising the unholy act of oral sex with his or her wife. All kinds of craziness goes on as a result. Rank-and-file members everywhere are not given the chance to read the elders' manual because it shows there definitely is an elder-nonelder split, that is a clergy-laity division.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi ozzie, amazing, alan, et al.,

    Actually secrecy and paranoia are pandemic in the WT organization. It begins with the antagonism and mistrust of the rank and file towards anyone who is not of their ilk (and in too many cases, they look askance at their supposed ``brothers and sisters;'' how often have we been warned to ``watch our associations even inside the Kingdom Hall? -- i.e. ``who among us are living `double lives?''').

    In turn, the Society really doesn't trust the rank and file; in their communications, they either disclose the absolute minimum necessary to achieve their ends, or cynically distort the facts (the Jimmy Swaggart tax issue is but one example, the reasons given for public consuption on the 1985 change in baptism vows is another), knowing they can count on the gullibility of the flock to swallow any of their pronouncements uncritically.

    The naive who elders who are encourtaged to consider themselvs a highly respected club are flattered to be considered ``on the inside'' enough to be called to ``special'' exclusive meetings and classes play into their hands. Of course, on truly sensitive matters, instructions are passed on verbally, congregational records are to be guarded scrupulously from the prying eyes of subpoena-seeking courts and dubs alike.

    Call Bethel with a question and the apparatchik that answers the phone seeks your name and congrgation while declining to tell you who he is... and what should eb a frank conversation among two Christians becomes a thrust-and-parry, cat-and-mouse game.

    An ``honor system'' that urges the JWs to share as much as possible and with regularity in the service, but leaves the quantity and quality of the time spent between the JW and his Creator? No way! We need those slips by the fifth of the month, come hell or high water!

    Then of course, financial disclosure. Are the 6 million or so JWs entitled to an annual statement? Of course not!! Just keep rewriting those wills and estates!!

    Ah, the Spiritual Paradise! Ad infitum, ad nauseum.

  • picosito

    Great posts.

    Maybe the most benefit I got out of being an elder was having a key to the file cabinet in the DFing room so I could find the letter that the Secretary of my previous congregation in California sent to the new PO after we moved to our new congregation. While asking my new Gestapo PO about my being reappointed as a MS, my Gestapo PO told me that Bro. Previous Secretary had said some pretty uncomplimentary things about me so who the fuck was I to even be considered as a non-apostate and what the hell right even did I have to come to what I considered as a greater need area (obscenities mine). He had read the uncomplimentary part right out of the letter, which he did not show me at the time of course.

    Years later when I've got THE KEY, because Bro. Gestapo is not around anymore and I'm an elder, I make a copy of the letter to treasure for all time. Turns out that the "uncomplimentary" stuff was indeed in the letter, but in a greater context of basically a very favorable recommendation (the negative part was what I had improved FROM).

    So Mr. Gestapo Bastard P.O. had read just the BAD part, completely out of context, to make the letter say just the opposite of what it meant. My family and I were stressed over this bad recommendation from my previous Secretary for some time. I didn't even call my old congo to get more info because one of my big motivations for moving was my low regard for all THOSE dudes on my old BOE. I laughed and laughed when I saw the letter in its entirety.

    Now I realize it was just another in a long line of nails in the coffin.

    "I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A ELDER AND NOW I ARE ONE" (Lots and lots struck me like that. Maybe even me too, until I realized that elders have to eat even MORE shit than publishers do, so there ya are with that bein-a-elder-so-I-kin-git-more-respect notion: downthetubes)

  • ozziepost

    I just write to confirm that AlanF's point about the secret instruction to destroy sensitive records was made here in the land of Oz too. "There will be no records to find" were the words repeated to us at the elders' meeting (with suitable emphasis).


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Prisca

    Here in Oz too? Hmmmm, verrrrry interesting!

    Thanks Ozzie for keeping us updated on this stuff.

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