The Mexico/Malawi thing in CoC had me in tears. The double standard is absolutely disgusting. This is one of those issues that I wish every active JW could learn about as it forces one to recognize that the GB is not all it claims to be. I still hear, in private conversation and in public talks, mention of the faithful brothers and sisters in Malawi. It is so incredibly sad.
Around here, there is an experience that comes up on occasion of a little boy, a toddler, who was learning to say his own prayers before bed. His parents would listen in and were perplexed as to why the boy was asking Jehovah to bless "Wally." After a while, they realized he was praying for "Malawi."
Every time I hear that story I get filled with emotion and I have to control myself from screaming out, "DO YOU WANT TO KNOW THE REAL STORY OF MALAWI!?!"
The most accurate accounts of this come from obvious "apostate" websites and books. Any ideas on how I could get an active JW to read/discover it? I feel like it would be a game changer. Or, am I wrong? Am I making too much of it? I am worried that in my current situation with the WTS, my objectivity may be a bit off.