SCHOLARSHIPS FOR WHITE MEN ONLY- demographic is often left out when it comes to college funding.

by Sam Whiskey 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I'm terrified by black doctors.

    That's funny cuz I'm terrified of white doctors. I'd rather have a black or a woman doctor. All my babies, except for the first one, deliveryed by black doctors. Wanna know why? Cuz the first doctor, she was white, said to me on the first baby visit that my baby's hair wouldn't stay straight. Now I know that all white doctors' aren't this way (racist) but it turned my stomach so much I refused to see the woman again, changed medical plans (this doctor was a Kaiser doctor) when I could, and found my babies a board certified black pedicatrian, Dr Michael Lenoir of Oakland CA. I was even able to find a black OB/GYN when I relocated to Indiana. She help me with my pregnancy which became rather difficult towards the end, delivered my last child, and tied my tubes 6 weeks later.

    Oh, and currently two white doctors have tried to get my husband kicked out of his medical group because they think he's not sick even though both doctors have admitted that they have not read my husband's medical records and refuse to do so even after requesting the records from my husband's doctors in Indiana. They are now saying that my husband is bi-polar without proof, had my husband go to a pyschiatrist who promptly said "You're not bi-polar" and sent a letter to these doctors saying so and they still don't believe it. My husband has fibromyalgia, polymyositis (which had done extensive damage to his muscles and balance - on good days my husband walks with a cane, on bad days he's in his wheelchair), cervical and lumbar degeneration (which causes a lot of pain), diabetes (which is being controled), high blood pressure, and high cholesterol (we got results the other day that his level is the best it's ever been since we've been tracking it) but these "doctors" claim he's not sick.

    I don't have a fear of black doctors.


    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    I'm trying to find a good Black doctor right now.


    The one I currently visit doesn't seem to understand me.

    I realize the past need for affirmative action, but disapprove of how it's been exploited.


  • ColdRedRain

    "I don't have a fear of black doctors."

    I have another horror story about white doctors for you. One time, there was this idiot doctor I had that couldn't tell a tick from a boil or a scab, even though my "scab" had 8 legs. I had the creature removed from my body, but instead of keeping the creature and doing tests on the dead tick for Lyme and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, they just threw the dead animal away. Incompetence has no race.

  • snowbird
    Incompetence has no race.



  • lisaBObeesa

    This thead is going to make my brain explode...must....back away before it is too late....

    White people ARE priviliged in the United States.

    White convicted felons have an easier time getting jobs than men of color with no criminal record. This is a problem! THis is deep, institutional racial bias at work every day. Please don't put your head in the sand and think everything is fine and the playing field is now equal. It is NOT.

    Oh and a black doctor and white doctor have to earn the same degree. sheesh. what is wrong with people.

    Oh and affimative action only says to favor the minority applicant if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL. Affirmative action is not hiring less qualified minorities.


    And I really can't remember the last time I saw a black doctor except on TV.

  • snowbird
    Oh and affimative action only says to favor the minority applicant if ALL OTHER THINGS ARE EQUAL. Affirmative action is not hiring less qualified minorities.

    That's the way it was designed to work, Lisa.

    Unfortunately, in some cases, it didn't.

    My take on it was that it lulled some Black people into a false sense of security, causing them to, in the words of the late Carl Sagan, become fat, lazy, and careless.



    "Should White people be Allowed to Dance?"

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    Outlaw, stop it!

    You're making me LOL at work.




    "Adventures with White People!"

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

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