When I was first appointed I did, not me myself, but the body as a whole. Good group of spiritual men. At first a pleasure to serve with them. But things change, in my case for the worse. Pettiness seemed to rule the body along with the fact that we probably erred with some of the appointments we made. One fairly young brother became all impressed with himself. His very first BOE meeting his hand shot right up to be on a committee involving immorality, and he's never miss one yet. I think he enjoyed "R" rated problems. New boy on the body should have sat fairly quiet and observed for a couple meetings. Anyone I felt that it wasn't holy spirit that prevailed, but it was the stronger personalities, mainly belonging to one family, always backing each other up. But it was good at first.
Did you feel your BOE was spirit directed?
by pontoon 34 Replies latest jw friends
The BOE I served on had a real power tripper of a PO (CoBE). He even 'goosesteped' almost, to the platform looking down his nose at the R&F.
He had his suck up side kicks and the rest of the body were nice uncle types.
Spirit directed? Yes! If that spirit was from Satan, Oh, Yes!
On a JC we were told the decision we made was from 'Oily Spirit' and was bound up in Heaven. So when we said: 'OK you sinner....public reproof for you!!' That was a desicion from an infallible god who then gave 7 days appeal. Nah......that's typical business speak not god directed!!
So. Short answer = Not God's spirit but Satan directed!
My dad has been an elder for around 25 years and I never see him as stressed as he is after an elders meeting. He tries to do what is right, but he puts too much trust in the process and organization than "logic".
At first I did when I was young and naive but as I approached 30 yrs. of age I began to doubt the elders were spirit directed. By the time I exited the oganization at age 44 - 7 years ago - I was CONVINCED they had NO spirit direction. They shot counsel to people off their hip. Personal opinions always being given as counsel to me and other JW's. NO WAY did they have the alleged " holy spirit "
Sitting in an elder's meeting will put to rest any notion that the BOE is spirit directed.
No, I saw people play favourites and nepotism, I saw elders cover up the activities of their families and come down hard on other people's children. I saw jealousy and cruelty and stupid decisions. I saw a lack of love and judgemental attitudes, a body that would rather condemn than build and would prevent others from progressing.
When my husband became an elder and I experienced the judgemental attitude and constant critcism it was a real eye opener.
It seems that good men either step down or leave bad men stay in place and become worse.
Franklin Massey
I've never believed it. Even from a very young age, I saw some real troubles within the elder body. I remember being sad that my Dad was gone off to elders meetings that sometimes lasted until after midnight. He would come home depressed and tired. He later told me that there was infighting and that on a couple of occasions, he had to walk out of meetings that got too heated and were stuck in a dead end. Then I had friends whose dads were elders and the stuff that went on in their homes (broken marriages, physical and emotional abuse) convinced me that no divine force was hand picking these guys.
I'm in no way saying that all elders are bad. I'm just saying that they are not spirit appointed.
A congregation I visited once was basically ALL family on the BOE. New England in Peterborough UK.
Sons, step sons, relatives of the Elders got away with murder. I believe they still do!
Name and shame. Awful place, awful congregation!! Bloody disgusting!
Anyone know it?
im stuck in
Are you sh ttn me? I could tell stories that would rock your mind then you would know for sure that they are not and have not ever been spirit annointed. Thans what turned me off. I really don't want to post my stories here for fear I will be outed and I can't handle that right now. If anyone wants pm me and ill drop one on you that will let you know what I mean. stuck in
Not since the mid 90's when our P.O. was arrested for molesting kids for almost 30 years.