Has anybody that left the Jw's become a Nihilist? For me I do not have much faith in much of our man made institutions.Since in reality all bound to fail at some point in the future.Does anybody else feel this way.
by d 31 Replies latest jw friends
It's too depressing to contemplate.
"life is a swirling, sucking eddy of despair, filled with brief glimpses of false hope in an ever darkening universe" - Biill Maher
Hell it's just a by-product of being born into a religion that preaches kooky end-of-world theories. Even though you can dissmiss the doctrine, the subconcious fear that it may all end soon remains.
In the end, there are no rules except adaption and survival: cave-man skills, but adapted to our technological age.
We are entering a Golden Age, like Caesar Augusta's reign in first century Rome. It's all good.
Humanity is doomed to a cycle of suffering.This never ending, we have in effect created our own hell.
We live, I guess, in a purposeless universe, but there's still hope and beauty in it. Of course there are moments when you don't see it, when you are overwhelmed with personnel problems, but it's there. So I'm rather a humanist, than a nihilist. Carl Sagan’s words always inspired me and helped me keep my hope in humanity.
"Yesterday, man, I was a Nihilist. Now today I'm just too f*cking bored."
Nihilism was too boring even for Marilyn Manson!
I stil have no humaity in fellow species.Humanity is in reality a virus.We humans are just finshing our course in this life.Just like how the Dinosaurs were to be extinct.We too will also cease to exist.We really are arrogant in the fact we can so much good Bullsh*t people if given an chance will advantage of you. Like I said before, people are rotten and bitter to the core.If you try helping people you are just wasting your time.Nothing you do will make a better world.This is just my opionion,I am not trying to be too much of a downer.I am trying to have faith in people but it just seems fuc*ing pointless.
I couldn't disagree more with you d.
I have a great deal of optimism and hope for humanity, contrary to everything we beleived as JWs the world is getting better. Whether or not it survives long enough for us all to realise our potential is very much hanging in the balance.
Be realisitc about people, most are not all good or all bad. We are all torn between our selfish instincts and our desire for a happy and harmonious society. Don't expect too much, but cynicism is a cop-out.