CO was asking for money in his talk last night

by life is to short 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    Good mornin' Scully,

    It would be somethin' if someone would stand up and tell the CO and elders to wait on Jehovah cause our pockets are empty

    They're always tellin' the sheep to" wait on Jehovah " but they're waitin' on the sheep to pay up

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    I distinctly remember a Chapter in the Proclaimers book quoting C T Russell and stating that soliciting money from the platform was just never done

    something about "Jehovah does not need to beg . . . " I don't have the publication anymore . . . but it sounds like that policy is redundant now??

  • slimboyfat
    Reminds me of this post from about 4 years ago.

    Wow that thread is so old it was back when WTWizard's posts were still readable.

  • wasblind

    I got your back on that one Murray here it is

    Chapter 21 " How is it all Financed " page 340 in the Proclaimers book

    "Seats Free, No Collections "

    " As early as the second issue of the Watch tower, In August 1897, brother Russle stated : " ' Zion's Watch tower' has, we believe, JEHOVAH for it's backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. "

    They italicized the words beg and petition in the book themselves stressing this point

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Thanks for that wasblind . . . be ten years since I read that . . . bout two years before I threw every bit of WT lit out in the rubbish . . . seems like I got a better memory without the book than those who produce it and still have it . . . nuther WT flip-flop to suit the times

  • wasblind

    Hey Murray,

    I just went back and skimmed over that chapter, the stuff in there is a complete contradiction of what they are doin' today

    I also found on page 341 in that book this here : " Later, for over 30 years, the Watch tower society operated radio station WBBR in New York City. Jehovah Witnesses also used the services of hundreds of other stations to broadcast programs of Bible education. But never did they use such broadcast to beg for money."

    If the end is so near why did they stop using radio to spread the message ??? Why put extra stress on the sheep ???? but thats another thread anyway BTTT

  • Desert Rat
    Desert Rat

    Flipper Yes, that talk forever changed my relationship with the congo. I could feel the dagger's hitting me in the back as I sat there slunking down in my seat! That CO was Reno- I can't remember his first name? That was in So. Oregon around '91 or '92. I remember that he certainly wasn't known for his 'tactfulness'. I think he just helped me move along in my exit at a little faster pace. So glad that I got out!! That we all did!

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    wasblind . . . Money probably . . . too expensive . . . especially since begging was off limits back then . . . cheaper just to crack the whip a bit harder over the heads of the sheep!

  • hoser

    Yep come into town in a new buick sedan that average Joe publisher could never afford and tell Joe that his wife Mary shouldn't be waitressing at the local greasy spoon part time to put shoes on the kids feet.

  • wasblind

    Proclaimers book chapter 21 page 340 paragraph 4 states:

    "what is true of their literature is also true of their meetings. There are no emotional appeals for funds in their congregations or at their conventions. No collection plates are passed; no envelopes in which to put money are distributed; no letters of solicitation are sent to congregation memebers. "..............." Let it be understood from the first that collections or other solicitations of money are neither authorized nor approved by this society."

    For those who don't believe this look it up for yourselves in the proclaimers book

    on page 351 in the last paragraph on that page it states: " Thus the organization carries on it's work with complete dependence on the help that God gives."

    Well all I have to say is that, from the way things stand now, they depend on the sheep rather than Jehovah

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