Does anyone know how much this stance is dictated soley by Rupert Murdoch? I recall before he came here. The English were always criticizing his influence and now I see why.
I am active politcally and attend forums put on by museums. The National Constitution Center is neutral by law so I've heard conservatives and progressives. Altho I don't subscribe to it, I can respect conservative and libertarian views. William F. Buckley and William Kristol are examples of conservatives with minds. Sarah Palin is not one. People who don't believe Obama was born here don't upset me. They are ignorant. It can't be helped. Fox News gives these demogagues, such as Palin, a platform. Personally, I don't believe for a split second that Palin believes Obama was born in Kenya. Purposefully distorting the truth for political advantage and stirring up the base happen in both parties. Fox is highly visible.
Another neutral source evaluated actual current event facts knowledge by political party. Dems scored much higher than GOP in knowing objective facts. I recall when I worked for the Senate that the Senators were great friends and did not seem to care much about their public positions until the media showed up. The best of pals would act out some drama in front of the cameras. When the cameras left, civility reigned. No one could accomplish anything at the feverish pitch shown on Fox News.
I boycott it but then again I don't think I fit Murdoch's demographics.