Anonymous attack on the Watchtower?

by Nickolas 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanaBug


    Do you think Anon could really do any damage to the WTBTS? I mean, they don't really rely on their website for much besides literature downloads. It would be cool though if perhaps the pdfs were replaced with the Jensen letters or documentation of the UN scandal or something like that.

  • SixofNine

    Unless someone in the Anonymous inner sphere has a friend who is an exJW, it seems very unlikely. From what I can see, Anonymous focuses on causes that affect broadly rather than narrowly.

    One need only attempt to discuss JW issues on a neutral discussion board to see that the average person does not have a clue about the true darkside of the JW organization. Therefor, if Anonymous attacked the WTBS, they would look as if they were being arbitrary and bullying.

    That said, I recently wondered if the poster we had here years ago known as "Focus" might be a part of Anonymous?

  • Nickolas

    Cool video, DanaBug, thank you for contributing.

    Do you think Anon could really do any damage to the WTBTS?

    Damage comes in many forms. Activists did damage to the Watchtower in Brazil by erecting billboards condemning the practice of shunning. Part of what keeps the Watchtower intact, and attracting new adherents, is its low profile. People just don't know the harm that is done. Despite my second-hand association with Jehovah's Witnesses for over 35 years, there is much I did not know until I joined this board. From my perspective, anything that can be done to expose the Watchtower for what it is would do it harm.

  • Nickolas

    One need only attempt to discuss JW issues on a neutral discussion board to see that the average person does not have a clue about the true darkside of the JW organization.

    Wholeheartedly agree.

    Therefor, if Anonymous attacked the WTBS, they would look as if they were being arbitrary and bullying.

    Perhaps. On the other hand, being attacked by Anonymous might be perceived as the group giving the Watchtower bully its just deserts.

  • SixofNine
    On the other hand, being attacked by Anonymous might be perceived as the group giving the Watchtower bully its just deserts.

    Highly unlikely, since no one sees the WT as a bully in the first place. I'm not saying they aren't, just that that is not how they are perceived, even by "worldly" people who see them as negative. If Anonymous seized upon some specific incident of bad behaviour by the WT, things might be different; for instance, if Malawi was happening today, that might get Anonymous' attention (but again, probably only if there was an insider from the apostate community).

    The WT is just a Saturday morning nuisance to "the world". Nothing more, nothing less.

    Also, Anonymous isn't known for having PR as it's primary goal, they step in and actually attack organizations electronically. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that there just isn't all that much to attack with the WT.

  • Nickolas

    If Anonymous seized upon some specific incident of bad behaviour by the WT, things might be different;

    Shunning of family members, sheltering of pedophiles, badmouthing every other religion but theirs, promoting ignorance through educational dissuasion, sacrificing lives to the blood idol, condemning people to live lonely and poor lives with the promise of impending Armageddon ...

  • SixofNine

    hey I'd love it if they did; just seems like they have so many bigger-fish-to-fry.

  • Nickolas

    just seems like they have so many bigger-fish-to-fry.

    Yup, but the smell of this one sizzling in the pan might be sweet.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Sorry Nickolas, the WTS is simply not on the radar when it comes to the grand scheme of things. Hardly anyone out there even gives enough of a damn about JWs to even run a search on google, as daily search statistics bear out (discussed on another thread). Sure, the WTS and the leadership at the top are guilty as sin but the general populace just doesn't give a shit. Until the WTS launches an unprecedented assault on freedom of speech or the like, Anonymous simply isn't going to care.

    Anonymous isn't all the purity and light that many seem them as either. Anonymous is not a formal organization with structure and leadership: if anything, they're merely a collective consciousness that resides on the internet, their actions being fuelled by memes. (Perhaps a good thing when it came to fighting the ever litigious Scientology leadership.) Its hard to get them mobilized and organized to do much of anything. Also, it has been consistently rumoured that many among Anonymous are identity thieves, child porn enthusiasts, etc; not exactly admirable types of people.


  • Este

    sorry Nickolas, the WTS is simply not on the radar when it comes to the grand scheme of things.

    Yes they are. They are not "the true religion" as they profess, nor are they "the faithful and discreet slave" as they profess. However, they are the most accurate faith, and first in line to The Almighty GOD as a "worthy" organization.......they have taught many including the "true" faithful and discreet slave" myself, Estephan Leuese. Those that adhere to GOD's word and LOVE their GOD are many of those known as Jehovah's Witnesses. I give testimony to this as I have many brothers and sisters in the organization that I love dearly.......

    Estephan Leuese

    WELCOME BACK FORMER "SON OF MAN" ... well dosn't anyone recognise his photo? he was on here about a year ago using the username "son of man" or at least somthing like it.Anyway he was saying that god put messages into his head about his purpose for mankind. His posts just got werider and werider.

    seems like hes back again.Either that... or hes got a twin!

    No twin, it is me right now with a limited amount of posts but not for long....... And thank you for the warm welcome.....

    ... well dosn't anyone recognise his photo?

    I wasn't playing attention but yeah I recognize the SOB. He's back to spew again.

    Gee, you be mean :)


    Same Guy, Different Photo

    Brownboy, is that you?

    Yes Poppers, It is me "Brownboy"

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