Take a good look at recent world events:
Violent revolution thruout the Middle East - which, after decades of dictatorial stability, may have been triggered by social networking on the internet and cell phones.
All sorts of stories out in the open about UFO encounters, national governments releasing their files on the subject - and a NASA scientist claims hard evidence of ET life from a meterorite.
While the braindead media follows Charlie Sheen's descent, the Focardi and Rossi experiments in Italy get ignored. Scientist Edmond Storms predicts a "stampead" if this is the final tipping point in favor of 'cold fusion' - a future of cheap, inexhaustable energy.
'Watson' wins some remarkable victories on Jeopardy - suggesting solid progress towards artificial intelligence.
Wikileaks threatens national governments and scofflaw 'too big to fail' banks.
Scientists clone an extinct species, create artificial cellular life, come close to explaining the aging process and create near miracles with stem cells.
When looking at the future, some use the term 'Singularity' - but I like the phrase "the Quickening" - a relatively sudden burst of technical progress that changes every aspect of modern life and culture. Emergent phenomena that wreck banks, crush stable industries, overthrow governments and leave many religious people confused and bewildered.
It's not Armageddon - although for some, it might as well be.
What would cheap energy do to the Middle East? Iran? Russia? Public utilities stock? Banks invested in big oil? Federal governments that depend upon the DEPENDENCE of citizenry?
What will full disclosure do to organized religion?
What will stem cells and regenerative medicine do to Social Security? Medical specialists? Nursing homes? Sales of "Depends"?
The "Quickening" - as accelerated by the internet - is starting. It's going to be a very bumpy ride........