I'm reposting this from another thread:
My views are completely out of the box and alien to the way of thinking of the majority of people. It's an alternative civilization with no cities or towns.
Instead, a network of self reliant villages, no larger than 500 residents, where people live and work in the same place. Self reliant means that they grow their own food (through efficient permaculture).
As for its economy, it would be meaningless to call it by whatever label current political arrangements are known by, or by thinking of it as a combination of several political philosophies.
It would be a three level economy, designed to maximize individual freedom and minimize labor.
1. The first would be the foundation of the entire society. Free land. Land will be distributed equally to villages and individuals. In the North American continent I visualize 4 square kilometers (about a thousand acres) per community and a quarter acre per household (The rest would be wilderness) Everyone would have an intrinsic right to land in the same way that they have an intrinsic right to air without having to pay for it.
No individual or collection of individuals would be able to sell off their land (Yes they own the property)-only individuals would be able to trade it. The reason for this is to prevent a landless class from eventually forming. The elimination of both mortgage and rent for land is be imperative.
Land is no more worthy of being accumulated, in quantities out of proportion to others, than people have the right to suck up the atmosphere, bottle it, and resell it at a profit. Only that which has been produced by human labor is worthy of being sold in the marketplace with compensation to the producers.
2. The second tier would be self reliance in the growing of food. Other than its being more efficient to grow the food that you consume right by your residence, it would also provide protection against any economic problems.
Economies based on the manufacture of non-essential items are prone to systemic collapse due to a variety of reasons. For example, industries might saturate the market with an abundance of products which in turn would unemploy the workers due to the market place no longer having a need for so many of their products. Self reliance in food will be the foundation, not merely the safety net, of this society.
It will not be like other economies, grafted on a village society, where some specialize in food production and others exchange their products or money for such food. As I just said, when the economy game slows down or grinds to a halt, there is no so called "wealth" (a.k.a. as money) to purchase food with.
Specialization in food is not needed since self sustaining permaculture is more efficient than conventional agriculture or gardening as well as requiring very low man hours to maintain (when done on a community scale).
3.Production of non food items. Mostly light industry and retail. Many enterpises will be owned by the village community. With approximately 300 adults there will be sufficient labor to run most enterprises such as clothiing manufacture; appliance production; vehicle production (4 wheel, motorized bicycles); hardware stores, and other retail stores.
Community workers will own, operate and manage their own business. The net gains will go them directly. There will be no need for corporations or businesses owning other businesses.
The manufacturing economy will emphasize long term durability of products-the opposite of today's planned obsolescense and low quality products which end up costing more when you factor in how often they have to be replaced. Even though the product might cost twice as much as the junk we buy today, it could easily last five times as long, making it much cheaper in the long term.
Eventually, such a strategy will ensure saturation of the market with eternal faucets; tools that last forever and low maintenance vehicles. This will end up either unemploying or drastically underemploying workers. And so what that if it does? After all, and this is where you come full circle; land is free and food grows on trees.
No mortgage/rent to pay; no food to buy; all other items being passed down through the generations with a trickle of replacements.
This is the basic foundation of my alternative civilization. There is a lot more to it but that should suffice.