My visit to the Hall Last Night- Highlights

by TR 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, and blah. Monotone, Monotone, Monotone,
    Monotone, Monotone.

    You were right, Moxy. What did I expect? I left early so I could catch the last part of Stephen King's "Rose Red". I really wanted to stay for the "local announcements", but couldn't hack it any more.


    Br. Smith was the Chairman and School conductor. Looks just like Bush jr. Wears a bow tie.

    Isaiah is the bible book they are currently "studying". Maybe that's why I heard Jesus' name a total of 1 time, maybe that's not the reason.

    #1 Isaiah-br. Uhron(snicker!)

    Similar conditions exist now as in Isaiah's day.
    Fulfilled prophecy-no doubts!
    Reference to 9/11
    New weapons in Isaiah's day as now(Iwish he would have elaborated on that)
    Is 6:8-Send Me! Send Me!
    Many references to those who didn't obey, who wasn't faithful- a real doom and gloom talk!
    Bible remains doctrinally unchanged since Isaiah's day(Really?!)
    Authenticity UNQUESTIONED(Oh, really?!)
    Bible is MODERN BOOK(oh, really?!)

    Bible Highlights- br. Amenrud

    Most of his comments had to do with rebelliousness, bad seed, vineyard not good, all these things of course were applied to our day. What a suprise.

    #2 Talk(Is 2:1-17)- Young man about 13, can't remember his name

    Poor kid. Stumbled a lot. Went overtime. Br. Smith didn't just say need to work on time, he rambled on telling the kid from the platform that "we need to get together after the meeting". Kid must have felt he was going to a J.C.!

    #3 Talk (Reasoning book, p.164 par. 1-3) Sis. Amenrud

    "Heavenly hope all there is?" Basically same old tired shit about paradise earth, 144,000, etc.

    #4 Talk (More about heavenly hope and those on earth) Sis. Cantu very HOT looking, btw.

    Interesting that she pointed out that there was no difinitive scripture about living forever on paradise earth, but since Mat. 5:5 say "meek will inherite earth", it must mean that.

    SERVICE MEETING song 196 br? (Couldn't understand a friggin' word this old dude said)

    Mention of Sunday's public talk- "Origin of the Universe" (Oh, this will be good!)

    Turn in field service time!(what a suprise!)

    Literature offer: "Life, How Did It Get Here" and "Revelation" book.

    Magazine presentation(Given by very HOT sis.) About Marriage(I know what she was thinking!)

    Bro. Smith- "Parents-Train Your Children From Infancy"(There goes another generation down the shitter!)

    Children exhorted to answer questions from literature in own words(yeah, right!)

    Well, I left after this part, because I could!

    Btw, I got to the meeting 25 minutes early, and only 2 bros. talked to me. I didn't recognize any of them.

    They questioned me, and I told them that it's been several years since I've been to a meeting, but I was familiar with their beliefs.

    I told the bros that "since 'geddon hasn't come yet, I better go to the hall and see wassup". I also asked if there's been any recent "new light". The bro. thought for a minute, and said "not that I know of".

    Well folks, I'm sure you've been fascinated by this boring rubbish, so I'll let you go- until next meeting time!


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • Latte


    Thanks for posting your finding's for us

    I went a few weeks's back. The attendance was quite bad, I would say about half full, actually. How was it at your hall?


  • Utopiano Reformato
    Utopiano Reformato

    Hey TR:

    Nice account. Very funny when you think out loud on the web. Anyway, I think I am going to pop in and scare a few people next meeting.

  • jukief

    Looks like nothing much has changed since I stopped attending meetings 17 years ago.

  • LB

    But are we still in the last minutes of the last day???

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • RunningMan

    I sympathize with Sister Cantu. I gave the number 4 talk on Tuesday night. It was from page 165 of the Reasoning book (I think). These talks are sliced into such small pieces, that the portion assigned to that talk had virtually nothing useable in it.

    It was noteworthy only for the fact that it was my first talk since growing a beard.

    My introduction used a posting from this board a couple weeks ago regarding a drug that extends life span. Many thanks to the apostates who contributed my only useable material. I can post the entire text of my talk, if anyone is interested.

  • Scully


    You're a brave dude, dude!

    Personally, I'm afraid if I ever go I might start laughing out loud at inappropriate moments. Like when they say something about the "closeness" of Armageddon!! Oh wait. That would be TOTALLY SO APPROPRIATE!

    My other fear is that I'll be so bored that I'll fall under the spell of the unyielding MOOOOOOOnotony and find myself curled up asleep on the floor three days later.

    Love, Scully

    In the desert things find a way to survive. Secrets are like this too. They work their way up through the sands of deception so men can know them. - The X Files

  • TR


    That's one thing I forgot to mention. The seats were about 3/4 empty.


    Knock 'em dead, man!


    Same shit, different day.

    The elder that I sat behind left his brief case open while at the podium. Was tempted to lift some paperwork from him, but couldn't bring myself to do it. LOL!


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • TR


    That's another thing; I couldn't wipe the shit eatin' grin off my face, knowing what I know while I was there for the first half hour. After that, I thought geez, was I here only yesterday? But it's been 7 years. Sigh.

    Before the school started, the brother mentioned that they needed a volunteer for the #4 talk in the second school. I was so conditioned to giving these last minute talks as a dub, that I damn near raised my hand! LOL!


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • TR

    Another thing,

    Why on earth don't these dillweeds do something to make the meetings more interesting or exciting? Cripes! It's pure agony! How did I endure 10+ years!? Live music, or more spice in the talks. How utterly BORRRING!!! I always wondered why in the hell the WTS's programs were so frickin' dry and bland. Anything to attract more members! Well, I guess I'm glad they don't do these things. LOL!


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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