I have it on good authority that, like most young Christian men between 12 and 30, he was practicing not masturbating.
Jesus between age 12 and 30. . .
by Mad Sweeney 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes...same here...
six of nine nailed it.
Mad Sweeney.
Jesus between age 12 and 30...
Interesting topic.
This year, in January, I took up the same subject in my blog.
http://godpresencewithin.blog86.fc2.com/blog-entry-74.htmlThe topic which I took up there is about the meditation (Yoga) of the so-called "So Ham."
Of course, it is a meditating method which people are usually doing in the religion/Yoga of India."So" means "He" or "It."
And, "Ham" means "I."Therefore, "Soham" means "I am He."
I think that people who know the Bible well can understand the meaning of this word immediately.
That is, it is the same meaning, the word which Jesus said as "Ego eimi."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKNzaWGm0o8
Those were his Amway years. He took those MLM principles and...well, you know the rest of the story.
Mad Sweeney
OMG, I just read the "Infancy Gospel of Thomas" and it's pretty funny stuff. It doesn't cover what I'm looking for in this thread (ages 12-30) but I figured I'd share it here, anyway. According to this story, when Jesus was 5, he was making a series of play moats and pools in the mud during a rainstorm. First, he miraculously cleansed the water. Then, another kid came by with a stick and messed up the walls of the pools, letting the water out. So what does Jesus do? He kills the kid. No fooling. Cursed him like a fig tree.
Later, another kid throws a rock, hitting him in the shoulder. Big mistake. Little tyke Jesus curses him dead.
No wonder this book didn't make it into the NT. Thomas' version of Jesus is too much like the OT god. And this is all just in the first four verses!
Anyway, still looking for stuff on his travels eastward, if it ever happened. Finding a lot of interesting stuff along the way.
I've also read that about Jesus killing just the FIRST child when he was 5 years old. He was so remorseful that it was the major motivating factor in his acceleration to unprecedented Mastery. I guess there's a lesson in that about overcoming karma, similar to the Apostle Paul.
Imo, Jesus was most likely an illegitimate child whose father was the Roman Soldier Pantera. He had no special "birth" over anyone else, at least in the physical sense. It's the soul (consciousness) that matters, and Jesus had the advantage of being raised in a way that nurtures the soul instead of the ego, allowing him to achieve an unprecedented awakened state of being while alive on earth.
It is interesting the that myths about Jesus Christ continue to this day.
Mary and Joseph's flight to Egypt was when Jesus was an infant. It
was hardly the time for him to pick up Egyptian mysticism. And the Jews
were especially warned not to follow other religions. Mary and Joseph
faithfully followed the Mosaic requirements as evidenced by their taking
Jesus' to the temple when he was 12 years old. The essence of Jesus'
teachings can be found in the Old Testament. It is wishful thinking on
part of those who link Jesus with eastern beliefs. There simply is no
It is wishful thinking on part of those who link Jesus with eastern beliefs. There simply is no evidence.
And what evidence is there, outside the Bible, that Jesus even existed?
Does it make more sense that the long-awaited Messiah would only preach to one race, and trust a Christian-murdering Pharisee and a Roman citizen to spread his gospel only to the west?
There are written legends of Jesus spending 17 years in India, from age 13 to 29...
Jesus and Buddha Parallel Sayings
There was a time when critics of the Bible said that Jesus did not even
exist. But as knowlege increased and historical records were revealed
Jesus became an actual person living in Palestine during the Roman
conquest. And the rulers mentioned in the accounts were also
historical personages. Jesus' historicity is no longer in doubt.
The Bible account proved to be true. Now, one no longer hears
those arguments. But to accept myths, stories and traditions as
facts is pure speculation.