Exclusive use of the name "Jehovah's witness"

by InterestedOne 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    " What if I went around calling myself a "Jehovah's witness" because I believed myself to be a witness of Jehovah "

    Why would you want to call youself a Jehovah's Witness, when John 1:18 states that: " No man has seen God at any time "

    so how can you be a witness to what no man has ever seen, The Bible supports that we are to be witnesses of Jesus,

    men were witnesses of Jesus because he walked the earth with them, broke bread with them, and man witnessed his sacrafice and resurrection

    Acts 1:8 states: " But you will recieve power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me.............. "

    1 Corinthians 15:1-26 tells what the good news is about, and that if it wasn't for Jesus, all what you do would be in vain

    Galatians 1:8 warns about tellin' anything different or goin' beyond what was declared as good news even if it comes from an angel

    and the GB sure ain't angels.

    The WTS is most certainly goin' beyond the things taught in the Bible. And they know this, that's why in the Reasoning book

    on the bottom of page 208 they offer thier view as a "new thought" don't believe it read it for yourself.

    again, Galatians warns about "new thoughts"

  • undercover
    Toy R Us did some kind of nationwide blitz to register every last "R Us" names they could. They wanted to minimize use of that title by people totally unconnected to them. That's why there's no Mufflers R Us chain.

    I think I'll register "Dubs R Us"...beat both the toy store and the cult to the punch...

  • InterestedOne

    The word "witness" does not only mean eyewitness. See the following definitions:



    A witness can be someone who is willing to testify - to express that they believe something is true. By that definition, any Christian or Jew could be called a "Jehovah's witness" because they are willing to testify that Jehovah is real. Calling oneself a "Jehovah's witness" does not exclude Christ. That's probably why you hear the term "Jehovah's Christian witness." It seems wrong to me for someone to take possession of that term to mean only those who submit to the GB at 25 Columbia Heights.

  • wasblind

    I see what your sayin' Interested one, But In my opinion JW's are overidin' what Jesus told the apostles in Acts 1:8

  • InterestedOne

    wasblind - Thank you for pointing out Acts 1:8. That definitely drives home the point that Christians are witnesses of Jesus. I totally agree with you that by leaving Jesus out of their label, the JW's are making people wait until later to see how Jesus fits into their doctrine. It has a different tone than what I get from reading the NT where it seems like the Christians put the name of Jesus front & center.

  • wasblind

    Again I thank you too interested one, for bringing up the definition of "witness" to my attention

  • punkofnice

    All I ever see these days is how it's all about money. JW corporations. Randcam investment weapons. Trawling money from Philip Morris Tobacco..and other 'worldly' stuff. Being a charity so the buggers don't have to obey Jesus and pay back Caesar's thigs to Caesar. Twats! May the GB fry in HELL!

  • Listener

    Wasblind brought up the quote from the Reasoning book page 208 which states

    Christians are supposed to be a witness for Jesus, not Jehovah


    might reply: ‘That’s an interesting point you have brought up. And you are right that we do have a responsibility to be witnesses for Jesus. That’s why Jesus’ role in God’s purpose is emphasized in our publications. (You may want to use a current book or a magazine to demonstrate this.) But here is something that may be a new thought to you. (Rev. 1:5) . . . Of whom was Jesus “the Faithful Witness”? (John 5:43; 17:6) . . . Jesus set the example that we should imitate, did he not? . . . Why is it so important to get to know both Jesus and his Father? (John 17:3)’ This is a pretty weak argument given that Jesus has been with Jehovah in heaven and was an eye witness and as such we could never claim to have been this or able to imitate Jesus in this regard.

    Reading that comment is interesting in itself because what they are doing is showing the r & f how to debate this topic. Note how they completely get off topic with the last question they pose at the end of the paragraph .

  • wasblind

    Hi there Listener, I'm glad that you still had your book to read along with me in. The WTS said:

    " Jesus set the example that we should imitate, did he not? "

    Yes, Jesus did set an example for us to follow, He was a witness for his father, a representative, he was sent down to be so

    and the apostles were to be the same for Jesus, because Jesus said in Acts 1:8 that they would be so

    Acts 8:35 It tells where phillip declared the good news about Jesus, because that's what he was told to do, by Jesus

    The Jehovah's Witinesses got it all wrong. They have gone beyond the authority of Jesus Christ

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