Newbie: Galatians overview - original or textbook?

by the pharmer 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Listener

    That is an excellant approach Pharmer because that is what a thorough bible study should be like and the GB would do well to instruct their followers to do the same in their personal studies. It allows for critical thinking and more importantly to etch on your heart what you do believe without being constrained too much by what others tell you to believe. You are also taking the whole of the book into perspective without citing just one scripture.

    Thanks for the explanation, I can see why your have chosen that book now and why it is a good choice. It is like building a house and if you start with a good strong foundation (with solid viewpoints) you can work from there, adding brick by brick.

    There are other thread's you might like to look at, for other viewpoints, that discusses faith vs works

  • the pharmer
    the pharmer

    Listener, thank you for those kind, encouraging words! I will definitely be taking a look at those threads.

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