to miseryloveselders
so, we would get bored otherwise!
by Dogpatch 13 Replies latest jw friends
to miseryloveselders
so, we would get bored otherwise!
I am a lawyer with very little experience in family law. We reviewed custody law a bit as part of law women. Many men marry trophy wives who stay home while the mother must work outside the home. The prof told us the best way to go is to focus on who actually does the drudge chores. Who rpurchases birthday gifts? Who can tell you the names of classmates? What classes are the child being taught? What is the child's shoe size? Focusing on mundane things opens up an accurate picture of who actually cares for children. Who takes care of the child's pets? What is the child's favorite book? I don't think an active JW parent should be penalized b/c of belonging to a cult. Christianity was a cult for ages. When all things are equal, however, the limits of JW should be addressed.
The most difficult part for me would be containing my rage against the Witnesses and my concern for their impact on my child's life. Points will be lost for not showing respect. Even today, I shake with rage.
This is such valuable info. Two things stand out: blood, blood, and blood, followed by thought control, thought control, thought control. Witness literature contains many references to Witness' lying for the Society. Rutherford bragged about lying in a federal proseuction. Altho a judge must be meticulous, judges are people. People with education. Judges are social animals even for lawyers who they would not be judges. Judges are also active to some degree in party politics. Many things may be commended among adult JWs. Loyalty to faith. Neutrality. Studying the Bible - supposedly. These things are commended b/c an adult is making difficult and unpopular choices. JW parents make their innocent children suffer for their faith. This was always outrageous to me. Indeed, the flag salute was turned over not for children but when parents were punished for the parents' choice. I don't believe a Court would narrow the rule today.
What right do they have to choose for a child whether it will die? Whether it can express patriotism or whether it can have friends? Social isolation is a key area. Judges are highly educated. Inside, can they remain neutral when they hear education mocked so that a child can knock on strange doors and be subjec tto pedophiles.
Knowing what to expect is 95% of the battle. I'm certain a family lawyer can counter all on the list. What a coup having this info. If I were facing this situation, I'd have to load up on mind altering drugs not to spew my venom towards the Witnesses. A judge sees many people. They get a very strong sense of truth and false from body language, etc. A Witness, too prepared for canned anwers reflecting no personal thought, is not going to come across a responsible parent. Too many outsiders see the Witnesses as good citizens. Does the judge know what shunning does to one? Love is utterly conditional on the take of the WTBTs which as we know believes one thing today, another tomorrow.
I would also think knowing local details, such as who the elders will be if the child is raised by the Witness, hours spent by spouse in Witness work which leave less time to child, make more convinving statements than a general WTBTS statements.
Another thought just occurred to me based on the wisdom of Solomon when he decreed the baby be sawed into two. Truly, only a beautiful story because one woman backed down. Quel horreur, otherwise. Flexibility in the interests of the child is important. Acknowledging that one might lose but still want to see a therapist or court services to best address the conflict. WTBTS will not advocate this. They must have the child publisher. Saying that you prefer the child be raised in your present faith but if this causes too many problems, the child should choose its religion freely when it reaches majority. Willing to explain the Witness teachings in a neutral fashion may help.
You need a family lawyer who knows the judge how to phrase this. If one is too eager, it shows it is not important to you. But acknowledging that the child comes first before right or wrong religion should add bonus points that I can't imagine a Witness obtaining.
The greatest challenge comes when the Witness parents was the primary custodial parents. They know favorite foods, school work, bed time stories, etc. American courts will lean backwards not to favor one religion. European courts are prob. different.
So these are rambling thoughts. My heart goes out to any parent facing this.
Thanks a lot all of you for this!