All in all, and as with everything else, one is responsible to "check out all available information" on any group, club, religion or organization before they join it...especially if that committment involves the rest of your life, and requires that you sacrifice your life, if need be, in order to "prove your loyalty" to it.
Joining the Watchtower is like joining a gang; once you get "dunked in," you're in for life; they own you; your life no longer is yours to choose as all "choices" are dictated to you. There is no "honorable way out" of the Watchtower, so if you should discover the truth about "The Truth," you may be in for a pretty disquieting and emotionally painful "Crisis of Consceince," which is what happened to Raymond Franz, Bethelite member and nephew of Watchtower President, Fred Franz, who was disfellowshiped by the headquarters, along with many other Bethel members, because they had been caught studying the Bible in private...
With so much information and evidence out there on the internet, and with so many informative videos on YouTube, there is no longer any reason for one not to be able to make "an informed decision" in choosing to join the Watchtower...and if you were brought up to believe in the Watchtower being the "only TRUE religion," and if you believe that changing Watchtower doctrine is "God's truth," then you now have a means to "check out the facts," and according to the Watchtower organization, doing this is "good advice."
In the Watchtower's own publication, "The Truth That Leads To Eternal Life," released in the summer of 1968, the entire second chapter is dedicated to pointing out how very important it is to check out your religion and its beliefs and doctrines. This enlightening and informative chapter is entitled, "Why It Is Wise To Examine Your Religion." I find it interesting that the chapter title does not ask, "Why Is It Wise To Examine Your Religion," but that it says, "Why It IS Wise To Examine Your Religion." But, just as with the Watchtower clamoring claims to "freedom of speech," and "freedom to worship" according to one's personal conscience, the aforementioned seems only to apply to those OUTSIDE of the Watchtower.