Just wondering
Do worldly people (never a JW) request no blood in case of emergency?
by Iamallcool 13 Replies latest jw friends
Pams girl
Hi, as an ex-neurosurgical nurse, I only ever heared of 1 case where a patient requested no blood, and this was because she was petrified of getting the wrong type, and she was afraid of contacting HIV etc. Its a very rare occurance in my opinion.
Pams girl, with a skill like yours you could escape the sinking ship in the UK and emigrate to Australia ! They are paying for all travel costs and visa's at the moment if you go to Victoria in the northern part of AUZ. I am also trying to escape this dump within the next 12 months. No jobs or future for my kids here Take care from the HHG
Pams girl
Hiya HHG, funny thing is with agrophobia tho................... cant even get to the shop some days. Hahaha, Im working on it! Hubby says he wants a holiday in Spain soon. I was like MR T..remember him? "I AINT GETTING ON NO PLANE FOOL!" hahah, now, if my bitch gp would give me the odd valium now and again, its a maybe......
Are you seriuosly going abroad? What a fantastic opportunity for you mate! I wish you all the luck in the world! x
Of course, I can only speak for myself, but, all the worldlies I know would accept transfusions if that was necessary. I have donated blood for several of them, and that's why I know. Sure, you could get a disease, but that is RISK vs. CERTAINTY. If the blood was properly tested and maintained, then your concerns should be low. Or so we think.
I didn't even hear about other alternatives until I started to hang out with one witness. She actually tried to convince me that those things were much better than real blood, and that their problem was, actually, that worldly doctors would steal the product to use them on themselves, instead of blood. I didn't believe her. I thought that, if there really were an alternative, doctors would use those instead. You know, you could get to SELL those products worldwide, instead of asking people to donate. It didn't add up for me.
Found Sheep
I'm a nurse and had Never had a patient refuse! I had one last week that was nervous about it but that was it.
It is possible that people would rather die than get AIDS, but more likely they are going to be willing to accept blood. I am not aware of other religions that prohibit blood transfusions, but there might be somewhere. And, there are those that are not willing to accept a stupid blood transfusion (that is, one that is blatantly unnecessary).
this is one of those stupid lines that any jw will throw out at you when theyre cornered on the blood doctrine "even worldlies refuse transfusions because of the risk!" see how jehovah protects us!!
its a blatant lie from maybe a handful of cases where patient refused, not being a jw.
I only ever heard of one guy doing this, and then it was for a reltively minor op.
He pretended to be a JW so that the medics would not argue with him too much. I think it was the fear of infection that motivated him.
Had there been an emergency I don't doubt he would have accepted a transfusion.
The funny thing was, he was a practising Freemason, and this was in a Freemason Hospital, I bet he was the first Brother Mason to claim to be a different kind of "brother" as well as a mason !
Back in the 80s during the AIDS scare, everybody was pretty freaked out about transfusions.
Not so much, now.