Did The Elders Ever Try To Adjust YOUR Thinking?

by PublishingCult 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honesty

    Juan Miguel:

    Of all the times to offer "adjustment," one would think that would have been the moment to say something. But the two elders didn't flinch, and one of them said with a dry, almost rehearsed-sounding voice: "It would appear you have your mind made up."

    That's what they said to me when I told them I was severing my affiliation with the Watchtower Society.

  • PublishingCult
    JW's often accuse us of false info, because most of the older material is an embarrassment. I love when we are able to throw this bunk at the WTS but I always find that it is best to always publish the source for credibility sake.

    If the captions in the original magazine actually said what this one says, and looked precisely as the images look above, then yes, of course, citing the source would be very important. However, although this image was scanned from the WT magazine, it has been very much altered. It's obviously parody, and not being passed off as true.

    Again, I will look for the source.


    It`s not "WBT$/JW Cult" mind control..

    "It`s WBT$/JW Cult."

    "Theocratic Thought Adjustment."


    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • fokyc

    I am fairly sure this is where the scan come from:

    Watchtower 2008 November 15th p. 12

    "Help Them Return Without Delay!"

    Anybody have a copy?

  • wasblind

    Thanks Publishing cult,

    Believe me I love a good laugh, even a parody, but for us apostates

    we need to mark it as such, because it is already stated that everything

    we say is a lie

  • straightshooter

    Whenever my thinking was not in agreement with theirs, then they tried adjusting my thinking by throwing accusations such as "You are on shaky grounds with the Holy Spirit" or "A meek and mild person would eagerly accept counsel". Though they had a Bible, they seldom used it.

  • PublishingCult

    I found the original unaltered scan, but I still have not located the publication source.

  • straightshooter

    The white vs dark shirt really shows the brother's attitude. HAHA.

  • Finally-Free

    Sure, every time I entered the kingdom hall. But at least I never had to face a JC.

  • punkofnice

    Even when I served as an elder those twats were always being the 'thought police'. Phuktards! In the cult you can never be good enough even if you are in the palaces of glory. Mental twots.

    It's a cult pretending to be a religion and it isn't....it's a mentally destructive high control group..........I was a fool to follow it.......raised in it........bugger!

    Screw it ---- I'm growing a beard! Satan prevails!

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