Mother-in-law sends some reasoning on wedding anniversaries vs birthdays...

by garyneal 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Snoozy

    Good point Moshe, you have to use bible type reasoning with them. Common sense reasoning doesn't work..

    Dagnabit- a sheep herder back then didn't have a daily calendar! Most people only knew the season or moon they were born in. Celebrating a birthDAY was something only the kings could do, as they had a calendar and priests to mark the days for them. So celebrating a birthday was out of the question for the poor- perhaps they might have been jealous of the rich who could keep track of daily time. That is why the Bible doesn't mention birthdays for the common classes- only the Kings.
  • Snoozy

    One point about Wedding Anniversaries. You aren't supposed to make a big deal out of it just a small gathering. So saith the JW's..

    But I have noticed most of the ones for 50 years are pretty large. They rent a hall and everything! No one says a word..

    So much for rules..

    I like the idea of a "Birthday Anniversary" also..have a kids party and tell them it is a "Anniversary" of the first time you saw (the child's name)..

    Heck, they have New Years eve parties and call it a get together with horns to blow and everything..nothing wrong with a "First time I saw you anniversary".(Birthday party).


  • Listener

    "Frankly, there is no need for a Christian to celebrate either...."

    And there is no need to see an eclipse of the moon, go swimming with the family or even enjoy a stroll on a lovely day but we are humans after all, we have traditions and there are things we like to celebrate and embrace. Our socializing is also important to us.

    As they often bring up, why should there be marked one special day of the year when we can use other days and occassions to acknowledge another person or event.

    The org chooses to only participate in the Lord's supper once a year even though there is is no scriptural basis for this. Why could this possibly be? Is it because they feel it would lose it's importance or significance if it was done too often?

  • moshe

    The fact is- JWs have invented a negative law against Birthdays, only because they couldn't find a positive example in the Bible in favor of them. Taken to the extreme you could invent any manner of new laws like, sea voyages are bad, because Paul was shipwrecked in a storm, which means we must only travel on dry land, which means air travel is bad, too, because it's not on dry land , either! People die in plane crashes, so by not flying, this is a protection for Jehovah's people! I should have been in the writing department at Bethel- this new light stuff is easy.

    Anyway, I have listened to JWs give me the same canned answer about how there were negative events in the Bible associated (beheadings) with birthdays , I patiently let them explain the WT reasoning, Then I ask this question--

    "So if that person had been killed a wedding feast, the WT would be against weddings and marriage, too?"

    The slack-jawed, blank look on their faces is pricelsss. u-uhh, well, u-uuh- I just cut them off and tell them how stupid their false line of reasoning is- coincidences of events in the Bible don't make a Law from God!!! If birthday celebrations were bad, then Jehovah certainly had it within his power to inspire a Bible writer to put a law prohibiting birthday celebrations in the Bible. Since he didn't, this means that JWs are just blindly following doctrines of men and this proves they are not the one true religion after all.

  • wasblind

    Tell it Moshe

  • " If how a person's life turning out is more important than the date of his or her birth, then isn't it reasonable to say that a how a couple's marriage turns out is also more important than the date of the wedding? "
  • Good point Gary

    To me the gift of life is more of a reason to celebrate than a weddin' anniversary, but we are well aware that the WTS's reasoning is twisted

  • james_woods

    Well, if the bible mentions birthdays (mentioning as a peripheral point that it was Herod's birthday when John was beheaded) then it must mean that birthdays were known to Jewish society in bible times.

    So, if they were wrong for christians - then why doesn't the new testament come out and say so?

  • Lady Viola
    Lady Viola

    can somebody find one positive story about dogs in the bible?

    there isn't one.

    so you can't keep a dog as a pet.

  • james_woods
    can somebody find one positive story about dogs in the bible?

    Well, didn't they lick up Jezebel's blood? - so in that sense were kind of on the right side of the story...

    But you are correct - lack of comment is not the same thing as saying something is wrong.

    Same could be said of oral sex, for that matter.


    "It Doesn`t have to Make Sense,if you love Jehovah!" ...OUTLAW

  • miseryloveselders

    So, if they were wrong for christians - then why doesn't the new testament come out and say so?

    It does in The Old But New Non-International But Localized Version..........Acts 15:20 says, "to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals, from birthday parties with guillotines or Ginsu knives, and from blood."

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