It is truly a "Dog & Pony" Show !

by Pitchess Co-Gen 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • man in black
    man in black

    I know a situation where the wife of an ms left her husband and moved in with ( and later married) their 17 yr old male babysitter.

    (The Katenzaro and Towns mess as it was known)

    On top of it, this boy was the son of an elder who left his wife and moved in with a co-worker. .

    Several years after this whole situation hit the fan, they were both attending the meetings trying to get reinstated. The boy was accepted with open arms, but his new wife ( remember, she was once maried to Tom the ms) was never forgiven.

    I recently saw them at the store and heard the whole story.

    Because this lady made her husband (the ms) look bad the elders in Crystal lake will not even look at her again !

    Directed by God ??? I don't think so. It is all about ego's and the "good old boy club".

  • Vidiot

    "Crystal Lake"???

    Seriously, that's what the congregation was called? Jeezus, no wonder...

  • man in black
    man in black

    crystal lake, Illinois.

  • CoonDawg

    My ex was DF during the process of our divorce. I had let her know that if I wasn't having sex, she wasn't supposed to be having it either. Anyhow, she was DF. She flew in the face of everything that someone who was repentent was supposed to do. She showed up at JW functions and acted like everything was normal. She went out barhopping w/ a "weak" sister who was a friend, she lived w/ the guy that she'd been cheating on me with...then she dumps him and takes up w/ another guy...starts porking him and then cuts him off and informs him that if he wants anymore of that punanni that he has to study and become a JW and marry her. They've been married for about 8 years now. When they were going to reinstate her, the PO called me to tell me. I laughed in his face (well, his phone anyway) and asked on what planet she's been repentent -because it sure as hell wasn't on this one! His answer? "Well, it's almost been a year, and we have to give her another chance." There's your JW justice. DF and be hardcore on some because they committed a minor infraction...then let the hypocritical jihadist-style JW back in the fold. Go figure.

  • Pitchess Co-Gen
    Pitchess Co-Gen

    My brother got reinstated a couple of weeks ago and my family really putting the pressure to get reinstated.

  • Pitchess Co-Gen
    Pitchess Co-Gen

    The men trying to be "elders" or "ministerial servants" are not trying to serve the congregation, but are just trying to move up the corporate ladder for there own ego. One of my witness friends did just that kissed up to the Coordinator of the body of "elders" older brother ( he hand picked him ), and years letter he became a "elder". It's all a dog & pony show ! Nobody get appointed my holy spirit anymore; if you know how to play the game you get "appointed".

  • Glander

    If you are DF'd for any form of apostasy or disagreement with JC decisions, you can forget about reinstatement. As Quendi put it so well, it is an ego driven power trip and if you had any personal friction with the elders they will make you crawl for years.

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