Nothing feeds a starving person quite like a Watchtower.
Give a man a fish...give a Haitian a watchtower.
by maninthemiddle 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh yes, because an Awake! magazine that talks about bunny rabbits is really gonna feed/assist someone who has lost half their family as well as their home and possessions....
During the Great Depression, the secretary of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society testified in the US Congress on behalf of H.R. 7986. Here is some of that testimony:
MR. SIROVICH. Outside of preaching the spiritual Word of God, have you done anything for the poor devils who find themselves economically deprived of a living and in starvation and hunger, or penury and want; have you taken any of that money to help them, outside of preaching to them?
MR. GOUX. The commission that is entrusted to Jehovah's Witnesses is to bear testimony among the people as to what he will do to permanently relieve not only a few, but the people of all the earth.
THE CHAIRMAN. You can answer the question or not, can't you? Let us get on with this, because we have given 2 or 3 days to it now.
MR. GOUX. I am answering, Judge, merely to show that those who are doing this work are seeking to carry out the mission given to them.
THE CHAIRMAN. Well you do or do you not do relief work?
MR. SIROVICH. Do you do relief work in the sense that the Salvation Army does? They are preaching the Gospel of God, but bringing some tangible results to those who are suffering from a lack of the necessities of life. Are you doing that, or not?
MR. GOUX. That is not the purpose of this activity; that is not the purpose of this association.
THE CHAIRMAN. You do not do that, then?
MR. SIROVICH. You do not do it; that is all.
Wow, Loelaia, I guess some things never change. Thanks for that, I want to look that up and read more.
Pure gold LEO
Another thing I found In the Reasoning from the Scriptures book on page 207 it has the householder asking:
" Why don't you people ( JW's ) get involved in doing things to help make the world ( the community ) a better place to live ? "
at the bottom of the page they go on to say that JW's do provide money and volunteer
1) Jehovah Witnesses pay taxes that provide money for the govn't to supply needed services
Even non JW's do that, religious organizations are exempt from payin' taxes in the U.S.A
2) they say they offer free bible studies
they fail to mention that it is not a study of the bible but of their literature, and is a recruitment for free labor.
to sum this section up in the reasoning book, they are sayin' giving them WT material is more benificial to a man in need
than food , clothin' or shelter.
Spot on Outlaw
Outlaw, always look forward to your posts
troubled mind
I knew of a young 18 yr old woman that had been attending meetings and studying .One night in the middle of a freezing midwest snowstorm she was thrown out of her apartment by her mentally unstable room mate( who was also a BS) . She didn't even have a coat or shoes on ...she called me for help and I went to pick her up and bring her to my home . At the time I had a teenage son at home ,and the Elders had already been warning my son not to date this young woman. So I called the Elder up and asked if he could provide shelter for her this night until some other living arraingements could be made .(he and his wife are well off and had a large home ) He was appalled that i should ask such a thing of him . We ended up in a heated arguement over it until I finally yelled at him and said I would take care of matters on my own .
I was called into the back room at the next meeting with this young woman . She was told because she was just a bible study the people in the congregation would consider her like a cold wind up their backs ! After she began to make progress (in her conversion )then others would accept her with open arms . My jaw nearly hit the floor ." What about her immediate needs ??? " I was told the work of this organization was the preaching work ,not some kind of social work !!! " What about widows and orphans ????!!! Ever hear of the Good Samaritian !!! " I was furious leaving that room .
The next day I told an Elders wife ,"Well I guess I have to turn to the local Churches to help her because the Jehovah's Witnesses sure won't !"
She said "Oh NO don't do that ,let me see what I can do " After a huge hassel I finally found a couple in the hall willing to put her up for a few nights ,and no it was NOT an Elders family !
This episode was the beginning of the end for me . When I saw how there was no Christ like love for this beaten up stranger ....I just knew I didn't want to be associated with it any more ....
" I was called into the back room at the next meeting with this young woman . She was told because she was just a bible study the people in the congregation would consider her like a cold wind up their backs ! After she began to make progress (in her conversion )then others would accept her with open arms . "
Wow Troubled mind what a mess that was,
they fail to remember that when Jesus was bein' crucified he didn't say that his sacrifice was for believers only, It was for non-believers too
who may change their minds later in their lives, this young woman was at least a bible study, and they still turned their backs on her
and JW's have the nerve to say that they " follow the Christ " Ha !