Well, on his facebook profile pic he had a goatee on him. It looks like it is very recent and He gave the public talk very recently, after his talk, his congregation invited him for a dinner at someones house. I see a pic of him, but he is all clean shaven.
Is it okay for MS to have a goatee?
by Iamallcool 10 Replies latest jw friends
It depends on where he is located. Here in the US a brother cannot have "privileges" or offer public prayer if he has a beard, goatee, or long sideburns. (a moustache is allowed) I had a MS friend in Canada who had a full beard and he was giving public talks.
As for the individual you are referring to, he could have grown the goatee while on vacation, then shaved it off when he returned. I've done that myself. Some men - including myself - can grow a full beard in less than a week. If we shave in the morning before work we have to shave again after work before going to a meeting.
Is it okay for MS to have a goatee?
They all have my permission if that's any help.
snakeface, he is in the USA!
As for the individual you are referring to, he could have grown the goatee while on vacation, then shaved it off when he returned.
That might be possible.
it all depends on the congregation and who you have for elders, but in general it is no, it is not ok for witnesses to wear facial hair, its frowned upon and will get you labelled spiritually weak, worldly or rebelious.
when i went to a family members wedding, i had a full trimmed beard. my family all wanted me to shave it, i didnt cuz im not a pushover anymore.
when i was at the wedding, i got all kinds of glares and stares, wasnt hard to tell who the worldly guy was lol! i got a few smart remarks about it from some elders and a ms, to which i bluntly replied "jesus had a beard" and they just shut up.
It depends on your area, even within the US. I've heard there are some circuits nearby where the elders decided well-trimmed beard/whatever is ok.
I've never seen an active JW male in good standing with a goatee. Every now and then I grow a soul patch, and even that supposedly is inappropriate. When I was teenager and grew it, my folks jumped all over me. Even as a Ministerial Servant, an elder who is currently not serving admonished me to cut it off. Nowadays, I do what I want as far as the soul patch is concerned. Some meetings I get lazy, and won't shave at all, especially if I'm not going to be on stage or anything. I don't have a problem showing up with a few days worth of beard growth.
All in the opinions of the boe and co. I knew a co who came and wanted to remove an elder because of his moustache. The co was reassigned to another circuit before he could push the boe to enforce it.
In the UK some elders have beards but they don't give assem. items.