Witness having a hay day

by d 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious
    I just love how they all say on their Facebook status how their thoughts are "with our brothers" "our spiritual brothers" etc etc. What happened to the rest of humanity?

    Chop liver.


  • baltar447

    headisspinning, it's the same old broken record. I personally believe that we COULD be near the biblical end times, but I don't have faith in the WT org getting anyone through it.

  • d

    The witness are having themselves a frenzy seeing the world burn.So much for Christlike love.

  • Nickolas

    I just love how they all say on their Facebook status how their thoughts are "with our brothers" "our spiritual brothers" etc etc. What happened to the rest of humanity?

    Bird food.

  • nugget

    Remember these are not real disasters unless a witness dies. At the meetings it will all be relative to how many witnesses are affected and whether someone was rescued because they were up a ladder cleaning windows rather than working in an office on the ground floor earning megga bucks.

    Watch out for the pseudo experiences in the mags Andre may even make an appearance.

  • DanaBug

    What's the middle eastern or asian version of the name Andre? Look for that, lol!

  • thetrueone

    Rising gas prices is surely a sign of the END TIMES.

    Publishing companies like the WTS can exploit world problems to proliferate their published goods.

    One thing the WTS. never talk about is all the world's problems that occurred prior to 1914,

    for that I guess you need an education focused on history, something most JWS are clearly lacking.

  • chickpea

    i have a really good friend who stuck with me
    throughout my lunacy as a dr0ne in the collective

    she said something the other day,
    half in jest, whole in earnest, about
    "maybe the witnessess are right"

    i wanted to smack her....

    i do think the current circumstances of
    a dynamic planet flexing its muscles
    and a plugged in global society flexing
    its muscle agains oligarchy must seem
    like the big A... but for pity's sake.....

    be rational

  • WTWizard

    That is enough so the witlesses will scare their flock to staying in. The earthquakes and the middle East riots are taken as signs that Armageddon is about to hit--never mind that peace and security are supposed to be called for just before the Great Tribulation hits. And, so far I have not heard a peep about peace and security from the media.

    And then, it is going to get even worse. Once the United Tyranny of America's toilet paper dollar suddenly reaches its fair value (zero), it is going to take the whole world down with it because it's the reserve currency. China will stop accepting Treasury notes, and that is going to force the Fed to do another QE, and hyperinflation will hit. Of course, the Rothschilds (who really own the world) will still insist on getting their cut, driving up prices even faster and making sextillion-percent inflation a reality in the United Tyranny. This will hurt anyone whose currency is still pegged to the United Tyranny toilet paper.

    Once that disaster hits, the witlesses are going to have an even bigger field day. They are going to run from door to door, wasting scarce resources, and telling people that Jehovah is the stable currency (when in fact, gold and silver are). They are going to waste their resources going around and bashing the whole world's currency and claiming that Jehovah is about to destroy the whole system. What they are not going to say is that, if anyone invests a huge percentage of their wealth in commodities and precious metals, they will actually profit when hyperinflation does hit. It's the person that is sitting in a TP$1 million house in a nice area, with TP$50 million in stocks and bonds, that is going to be the sucker that is going to fall for the Washtowel scam. Like vultures, the witlesses create a second disaster when a crisis comes--never letting a crisis go to waste.

    Being a witless is not going to help one bit now when it's just earthquakes and riots in the Middle East. It is not going to help when hyperinflation, fake energy crises with shortages and rolling blackouts, the law against growing your own garden (S-510), the sickness care scam, or the flood of IRS 1099 forms kick into gear. And it is not going to help one bit when Agenda 21 or its deluxe version come along--being a witless is only going to prevent one from properly preparing so they can survive at least the fake energy crisis and the hyperinflation.

  • d

    Yes they are all this destruction just proves in their delusional minds that they are right.

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