EarthQuake Japan

by watson 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    Did you ever wonder how many earthquakes could hit before the earth is thrown off it's orbit?

    I had to look it up...

    Can the Earth Leave its Orbit?

    Conservation of Momentum
    The idea of the Earth's orbit or rotation being disturbed is a common catastrophe theme, exploited in movies such as The Day the Earth Caught Fire, not to mention the theories of Velikovsky. In The Day the Earth Caught Fire, nuclear explosions send Earth spiraling toward the Sun, and only a last-ditch counter-explosion saves the world. The movie features one of the best scripts of any science-fiction film, but the story line is impossible. Unless mass were expelled from the Earth, or some force were applied from outside the Earth, it would be impossible to change the Earth's orbit or rotation. To see this, sit in a swivel chair equipped with casters. Now, without touching the floor or anything outside the chair, try to get the chair rotating. Try to move it across the floor. Its just about impossible (that you can do it at all is due to a small amount of friction between the chair and the floor.) The principle here is called conservation of momentum. While in the chair, you are an isolated system. You had zero rotational momentum to begin with, and zero linear momentum, and regardless of what you do, zero they stay. What little motion you impart to the chair results from there being some friction in the casters and swivel, so that you do interact very slightly with the floor. An astronaut floating free in space without a safety line or propulsion would be utterly helpless to reach safety even a few feet away. He would have no way to acquire momentum. Nothing acting solely from on or within the Earth could change its orbit or seriously alter its rotation.

    I'm still not satisfied...


  • d

    my mother was actually jumping up and down this morning shouting excitedly that "Paradise is almost here!"-Mr Falcon

    That is truly sad that most Jw's feel that way.Sorry to hear that, most Jw's I am pretty have to happy to see the world in such chaos espeically with all of the youth revolutions in the Middle East.These people need help.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    my mother was actually jumping up and down this morning shouting excitedly that "Paradise is almost here!"

    yeah she's nutty like that. Look, if you truly believe in this stuff, and it gives you the hope to keep on going, fine. Good for you. But she fails to realize that there was probably a lot of JWs among the dead and countless KHs washed away. I'm sure the JWs over there aren't cheering (unless they are as insane as my mother, which may be a possibility).

    Anywho, what makes her so sure she's gonna get into "Paradise"? I mean, she didn't go to the meeting the other night because she was too tired from shopping at Kohl's.

    To quote the evangelical grandmother from The Grapes of Wrath, "Praise Gawd fur da vic'try!!!"

  • thetrueone

    One thing thats a certainty is the WTS. doesn't put forth honest and informative information how earthquakes have been occurring

    for millions of years on this planet, creating some of the most prominent mountain ranges throughout the world.

    I guess its just a decisive matter of putting out information that only backs their END TIMES proclamations, in this instance keeping

    people in a state of fearful ignorance has a posturing value attached. $$$

  • nugget

    This is a terrible tragedy but not the sign of the end. Rather than focusing on the sign element it would be better to focus on the helping those stuck in the middle of this. This event will pass like so many others and the world will move on to another tragedy somewhere else.

    I hope all of you caught up in this keep safe from harm.

  • Stealth

    For JWs, just a little taste of how things will be when Jehovah unleashes his wrath on this wicked world.

    It's a time of Joy!

    No need to help other during this tragedy, Jah's kingdom will sort all that out.

  • Leolaia

    I'm watching Japan earthquake videos, and some of these are .... interesting.

    Watch this one:

    The following comment says it all: "Powerlines? AND WATER!????? How have you made it up to this point in your life?".

    Here is one by a guy obviously stoned on some MJ....whoaaaaaa:

  • DagothUr

    I told you, I'm going back to the dubs if a Borg dreadnought decloaks itself in the skies above NY.

  • d

    So much crap for the jw masses to intake

  • Leolaia

    Swaying skyscarpers:

    Maybe the scariest video of the tsunami:

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