What are some feel good foods?
by Iamallcool 21 Replies latest jw friends
Seriously though, to me the ultimate feel good food is by far, and I'm sure Outlaw will agree with me.........
Room 215
soups, of course.... here's one of the best articles ever on the subject: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/06/magazine/06eat-t.html?ref=dining
Homemade macaroni and cheese..........hot from the oven.
Mashed potatoes with butter
Forget the chick food. I want a thick, juicy steak smothered in hot peppercorn sauce and some good cognac.
edited to add: I'll take the perogies on the side. Just don't try giving me the light sour cream.
I'm friggin hungry right now too. My lunch isn't for another 2 hours or so. I feel kind of hollow though, like I shouldn't eat anything out of respect for Japan. I feel bad for those folks, wish I could go over there and do something for them. But dang, I'm hungry right now. Dang, homemade macaroni & cheese would be to die for right about now. Or some bbq ribs, full slab and a half, or OHHHHH I'm soooooooo hungry!!!!!!!!